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(Y/n) POV

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(Y/n) POV

You sniffled as Vince continued his speech about how you were in the safe haven thanks to the people who had died for you.

"This is for them." He points to a large boulder sitting on the shoreline. "So in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace to them."

A few tears tripped down your cheeks, but a smile remained glued on your face. You were finally free. No more maze. No more Scorch. No more Flare. No more WICKED. Just free.

"Welcome to the safe haven," Vince yelled, and kids of all ages cheered and screamed.

"Woohoo," you yelled, pumping your fist in the air, a smile on your face while tears glissened in the corners of your eyes.. Thomas clapped beside you, and Minho joined in on your cheering.

Vince's speech brought back memories, all the way back to the first time you ever saw any of the boys from the glade. You remembered all of the friends who had died on your journey, and you couldn't help but shed a few tears. Alby, Chuck, Winston, Newt, Teresa, Alexis.

Kids start standing up, dancing around, and getting into group hugs with their friends. You were still smiling and laughing when Brenda ran over and pulled you to your feet, throwing her arms around you. Minho always joked about how she was your long lost sister, and you laugh at the thought. Minho, Aris, Sonya, Frypan, and Gally join in on the hug, you, Brenda, and Sonya being squished in the middle of all the boys.

You felt safe, and happy. Just being here with your friends and family. You wished everyone was there in the group hug, but you mentally hoped your deceased friends and little sister we're happy wherever they may be now.

A finger tapped you on the shoulder, and you wiggled out of the group hug, and turned around to see Thomas looking at you with a smile on his face.

"I told you we'd make it," he says, his eyes glossy, probably from Vince's speech. You have him a caring smile before launching yourself at him, throwing your arms around his neck. (Ok we're just gonna say he didn't get shot, cause that would probably hurt if you tried to give him a hug lol) His arms circle around your waist, and you grip each other tightly, never wanting to let go of the other.

Nothing had ever been made official between you and Thomas, but it was obvious there was some sort of chemistry between you two.

You pull away from the hug, looking into his eyes, and without really thinking the action over, you set your lips on his. He gives a surprised yelp, but starts kissing you back almost immediately. It was a soft, sweet kiss, and it ended soon after it began.

Brenda squeals behind you, while Minho chuckles to himself, and you assume Gallys jaw is dropped down to the ground. You were not able to confirm this guess, because Thomas starts kissing you again, more passionately than last time.

After a few minutes of kissing, sarcastic comments from Minho, and happy claps from Brenda, you and your friends line up to carve someone's name into the large boulder, the sunset over the ocean framing it from every side.

Each of your friends carved a name into the stone. Minho carved Newts, Gally carved Chuck's, Frypan carved Winston's, Aris carved Rachel's, Brenda carved George's, Thomas carved Teresa's, and you carved Alexis's name. You tear up once again at the sight of her name forever carved into the rock.

Alexis was your little sister that didn't make it out of the maze. She had been about Chuck's age, and she was the highlight of your life. That was until you were trying to escape the maze, and a griever snatched her hand out of yours.

Thomas wraps an arm around your shoulders, and steps back with you, standing next to all of your friends. You and Thomas look up at the large stone, while others look out across the ocean.

You entwine your fingers with Thomas's, and you hold his hand tight. They might be gone, and you might not be able to see them, but you promised to never forget them.

I'm sorry if the ending is bad! This is my first gif imagine ever, so please comment what you think, and send in requests!

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