Bloody Jealous

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Yo what up my fellow shanks! This is a request from 'shaytheloser', and I really hope you enjoy this OneShot. I think it sounds really cute, and thank you so much for the request!
Ok I'll shut my pony-lovin' butt up, so you can get into the one shot.

You're looking out over all of the boys being stupid, some getting drunk, while others are just dancing around. A laugh escapes your lips as Winston attempts to give Frypan a piggyback ride, but just gets knocked into the mud instead. You sigh dramatically after you've composed yourself, taking a sip from your own drink, and watching the enormous bonfire.

Tight spaces or crowds had never really been your thing, so you mostly hung out on the outer rings of logs, a little further away from the commotion.

You watch as your best friend, Newt, walks over to you, Gallys drink in hand. You were glad he was one of the few Gladers that almost never got drunk off of it. Even thought the few times he had gotten drunk were completely and utterly adorable, you never liked drunk Newt as much as you liked your friend Newt. He always hung out with you at the bonfires, cause he knew you didn't like crowds much, and neither did he.

"Hey (Y/n)," he says cheerfully, sitting down crisscross next to you.

"Hey blondie," you say, giggling when he gives you an annoyed look. You had called him that on your first day in the glade, before you actually got told his name, and it just kinda stuck.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? Especially in front of the Greenies! They won't listen to me if you keep calling me Blondie!" He exclaims, throwing his hands around, only mostly joking.

"Awww. You're no fun. Why do you get to give me a nickname, but I can't give you one," you pout.

"A. Because I am the Second-in-Command, and B. because I am the Second-in-Command."

"That's not fair! First of all you used the same answer twice which doesn't count, and second of all, you can't use your power as "Second-in-Command" as an excuse to give me a nickname, and then I can't give you one!"

"Remind me to talk to Alby about it in the morning," he jokes, dropping the subject.

He gets comfortable sitting next to you, and you both lean back against the log, telling ridiculous stories that you knew about the other Gladers.

"Did you know Gally almost became a runner, but he chickened out when he saw a griever through the window. Of course he blamed it on his 'shuckin legs'," Newt says, putting finger quotations around the last two words.

"Oh do you remember when Jimmy got his foot stuck in a rope, and it took us almost three hours to get up the tree to cut it," you laugh, and Newts gripping his side.

Your cut off mid laugh when a breeze sweeps through the Glade, causing you to shiver. You wrap your arms around yourself, clutching your lightweight jacket.

"Hey you ok," he asks, slightly worried.

"Just freezin my ass off. Can't the creators give us a warm night for once?" You tell him, trembling from the cold.

He doesn't even ask, before he slings his arm over your shoulders, pulling you to his side. You're surprised for a second, but eventually you curl into his side, stealing his body heat. You sigh in relief, wrapping your arms around your knees loosely, and leaning into his side, your forehead in the crook of his neck. He lazily runs his hand up and down your arm, a mild attempt to warm you even more.

You just felt content to be in his arms.

Newts POV

(Y/n) curled into my side, resting her face in my neck, and wrapping her arms around her knees, leaning into me. I hear her sigh, and I can't help but smile a little bit. I had been (Y/n)s best friend ever since she came up to this hell hole, and I couldn't complain about anything. She was the sweetest, kindest, most selfless girl you would ever meet. I know that sounds cheesy coming from a guy who has no memories of any other girl whatsoever, but I just know.

I'm brought out of my daydreams when I see another boy walking up to us-I think his name is Jackson?- glaring at me. (Y/n) doesn't seem to notice him, until he is standing in front of us. She pulls away from me, looking up at the boy in front of us.

"Yes," she asks nervously, pressing her body closer to my side. I felt kinda bad for her because I knew she really didn't like talking to the other boys, especially at the bonfires. They get drunk, dont think straight, might do something their not supposed to. That's why she always hung out with me, and why I always tried to stay sober so I wouldn't freak her out.

"You know I was just wondering if you would want to come a little closer to the fire with me," he emphasizes the last two words, and that's when it clicks. He's jealous that (Y/n) is hanging out with me, and not him. And that I'm over here trying to warm her up. Bloody hell dude! If your gonna get jealous, try to make it a little less obvious!

"Um Uh," (Y/n) stutters. She was never really good at talking to the guys unless it was Alby, me, or any of the other keepers.

"I think she's fine right where she is," I say, giving him a look telling him to back away. He glares at me, before slowly stalking back over to his friend group.

"Thanks," (Y/n) mumbles, curling towards me again.

"No problem, love," I tell her, wrapping my arm a little tighter around her. She relaxes into my grip, sighing in content once again. I smile again at how adorable she could be sometimes. I lean my head down on hers gently, and she tenses up for a second, before melting back into my side.

I look around at all of the boys, and I see quite a few either glaring at me, or looking longingly at (Y/n). It didn't really bother me. They all only wanted (Y/n) so they could brag that they got the only girl in the whole Glade, and that pissed me off. Not only was I her best friend, but I had also been crushing on her ever since I pulled her out of the box. And I didn't just want her for the title of 'boyfriend'. I actually cared about her, and I wanted to show her that, but I didn't know how.

Her breathing turned short and even, and I knew she had fallen asleep. I mentally pumped my fist in the air, oddly excited about the fact that she was asleep on my shoulder. I let her stay like that for a few minutes, relishing the feel of her body against mine, until some more of the Gladers started glaring at me. I decided it was time to call it a night, so I carefully picked (Y/n) up in my arms, holding her body close to mine, so the cold wouldn't wake her.

The boys watched as I walked her over to the homestead, opening the door quietly, and mentally cursing when it gave a loud creak. Her eyes fluttered open for a second, but she must have fallen back asleep immediately, cause her eyes shut again, not realizing that I was carrying her. I sigh in relief quietly, and walk inside, closing the door by swinging my foot back, gently kicking it shut. I walk up the stairs, and I'm about to walk into her room, when she subconsciously curls deeper into my arms, leaning her head on my shoulder. I decide to walk one door further, and I walk into my room. I lay her down on my bed, and she shivers from the loss of contact. I quickly walk to the other side of the bed, and crawl in behind her, pulling the covers up over both of us. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my chest, and I spoon against her body, feeling comfortable.

"Goodnight Blondie," I hear her tired voice mumble, as she leans back on my chest.

"Goodnight Love," I whisper back, but I know she didn't hear me, cause she's already fast asleep again, in my arms.

Hey guys! So I absolutely loved writing this request. I think it was so cute, and ya I absolutely loved it. 'shaytheloser' please tell me if you want anything changed, or rewritten, cause I want this to be exactly the way you imagined it to be. Tell me if you want me to take the last little part out, cause I know I added a little extra at the end. Also sorry it's really short. I couldn't really think of what all to write. Please comment what you think, and send requests if you have any!
Anyways peace out for now shanks. I love you all so much, and please stay safe and healthy during quarantine!


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