Beatings (Part 1)

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(Ok guys I don't wanna be throwin crap at Gally, so we're gonna say Michael is the keeper of the builders)

It was happening again. Michael had dragged you into the deadheads just to beat the living klunk out of you. He thinks that you don't deserve to be there because your the only girl, so he tries to convince you to run into the maze everyday by beating you.

You had been working in the gardens pulling some weeds when Michael walked up to you and grabbed your wrist. It was already bruised from yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, but you just kept your mouth shut.

He glanced around to make sure no one was around. Sadly all the boys were already at dinner. Zart had asked you to finish one more little patch of weeds that day. When Michael was sure he wouldn't get caught, he dragged you into the woods. He pulled you to the deadheads, and threw you on the ground. To start off with, he kicked you in the stomach, and your body curled in pain as your eyes squeezed shut.

"Why the shuck are you still here dumbass!" He shouted at you. "I don't know how long it will take for you to get the hint, but you need to leave. You need to run into the shucking maze and get eaten by a griever."

You were panting, and the bruises from previous beatings burned as you stood up, but you weren't going to let Michael see you on the ground. You sat up on all fours before you slowly climbed to your feet with a painful groan.

When you were standing you looked Michael in the eye. He just laughed before punching you again, and you stumbled back against a tree. He walked up to you, and punched you in the gut. You fell to the ground wheezing and coughing. You hit your head on a rock on the ground, and you felt a dribble of blood go down the side of your face.

The only reason you never told anyone was because you thought they might get mad at you. Or maybe Michael would make up an excuse and lie about it, then you would be punished. You never went to the medjacks, or asked any of the Gladers for help. You just covered up the evidence with long pants and hoodies to cover your arms and stomach. You just hoped eventually someone would catch him in the act, or that he would leave you alone.

It looked like Michael was about to go for another punch when you heard a twig snap nearby.

"(Y/n) where are you!" You heard Newts British accented voice shout. Michael kicked you in the stomach one more time before he ran out of the deadheads, not getting caught by Newt. "(Y/n)! Come on your gonna miss dinner!" Newt yelled again, but closer.

All of the sudden you went into a coughing fit that alerted him of where you were.

"(Y/n)?" He asked in a hopeful tone before he got to the side of the tree you were on. When he saw your body on the ground he gasped before he kneeled down next to you, and picked your head up in his lap.

"What the bloody hell happened!" He shouted at you, but you were still panting and wheezing, so you couldn't say anything. After a few seconds of him looking up and down your body frantically he said, "Oh my god, (Y/n)," while picking up your whole body and hugging you to him.

You whimpered as his hand pressed down on a deep dark bruise on your covered up arm. He obviously couldn't see any of the bruises because your sleeves were rolled down, and so were your pant legs. He heard you, and he jerked your body away from his, earning another painful groan from you.

"(Y/n), what happened," he asked in a stern tone, but you could hear the worry in his voice.

"It's nothing," you said. "Can you please just get me to my hut," you asked panting, Michaels punches still affecting your breathing.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about (Y/n)! I'm taking you to the medjacks," he said while picking you up bridal style.

"No. No. Please no," you spoke frantically.

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