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Description: When you're "rescued" and taken back to a facility, you meet the girls from the other maze. You get mad when all of your friends, including your boyfriend Newt, start talking about them and how perfect they are. Then Minho makes a comment that hurts you. You start disappearing at night, and when Newt notices what will he say. You'll also realize that your doing all of this, but not for the reason you claimed.

You were currently sitting down at a long table, surrounded by your friends. It was meal time, and you all had a lunch tray with a sloppy joe, corn, and a cup of water sitting in front of you. You were mostly just picking at your food. You didn't have much of an appetite.

It had been about two days since these people had rescued you and the other Gladers, and so far it wasn't going very well. Ya you got fresh clothes, a bed, and food, but you also had to deal with the girls from the other maze.

Speaking of girls from the other maze, that happened to be what all of your friends were talking about at the moment.

"The one with the curly red hair and blue eyes is hot," Winston said as all of the boys looked over to another table to see which girl he was talking about.

"Ya, but what about the one at the end of the table. Long black hair and freckles," Frypan said.

"Ya how the shuck are all those girls so hot, and they also look like their super strong. Might even be able to take me in an arm wrestle," Minho commented, and all of the boys laughed.

You just kept our head aimed at your tray of untouched food.

"Hey (Y/n) why can't you be more like them," Minho asked you. You knew he was joking, but the comment was like a punch to the gut. All of the boys laughed again, even Newt, and you laughed along with them, not wanting them to see that the comment hurt.

"I don't know," you commented with a fake laugh. "Maybe I should have spent more time running in the maze."

"Maybe," Minho laughed again. He really wasn't saying it to hurt your feelings. He joked around with you all the time while in the Glade, but this joke dug under your skin, planting itself inside of you.

Then an idea popped in your head. You stretched your arms up above your head, and yawned. "Welp I'm goin to bed. See you guys tomorrow."

"You ok, love," Newt asked as you stood up out of your seat.

"Oh ya I'm fine. Just a little tired I guess," you say, and as your walking away, none of the boys say anything else to you because their to deep in a conversation about another one of the girls.

You walked out of the room, and walked down the hall. After turning a few corners, you finally found the room you were looking for. It was a little gym that you were allowed to go to that one of the doctors mentioned when you got there.

First thing you did was get onto the treadmill. You were a runner while you were in the Glade, but half the time you stayed behind to help the other Gladers. It was like you were a substitute for when any runners got hurt and you needed to take their place.

Shaking off the thought you started it up, and just ran. You ran and ran and ran, not caring how long it took, but you wanted to start looking like the other girls. You knew it wasn't going to happen in one night, but you were also running because you were trying to focus on something other than Minhos bad joke.

You wanted to think about the burn in your legs, or how running set fire to your lungs when you breathed in. But it never happened. If anything running made you think about his comment even more.

You didn't know how long you had been running, but when you looked down at the little timer on the treadmill, it showed that you had been running for five hours nonstop.

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now