Morning Kisses

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(Warning! Pretty cheesy, and I swear I did not mean to lead up to what it seems like I was at the end of the story. I wrote this one with a completely innocent mind I swear)
VaderTater27 DO NOT READ THIS ONE!!!

You and Newt were laying on the ground. Your head was on his chest, and you could feel it gently rising and falling with the soft movements of him breathing. You were laying in a field you didn't recognize, and there was no one in sight. You were just enjoying laying there with your boyfriend.

Suddenly your rolled off of his chest, and he rolls on top of you. He's propped up on both elbows on either side of your head, looking down at you with a cute grin on his face.

"May I help you," you ask in a 'seriously' tone, but your grinning just as much as he is. Newt doesn't respond. He just leans down slowly, and connects your lips. You close your eyes, and melt into the kiss. It starts off slow and soft, but then it gets hungrier and sloppier. Your hands go through his hair, while he keeps himself propped up on his elbows. You continue to kiss for who knows how long, minutes? Hours?

Suddenly he pulls away, and starts shaking your shoulders and shouts, "(Y/n)!" You try to wriggle away from him, but his grip is too tight. "(Y/n)!" He shouts again.

"(Y/n)," someone shouts, and you shoot up from your sleeping position. Your panting, and your head is shooting around the room to see what happened. When you look to your right, you see Newt sitting up in the bed you share, looking over at you with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Uuuuugh. What do you want," you whine flopping back down on the pillow, and turning your head away from him, but still laying on your back. Of all the dreams he could have interrupted it had to be that one.

"Sounds like you were having an interesting dream. Care to tell," he asks in an innocent tone, but you can still hear the smirk on his face, then something hits you.

"Wait. Sounds like," you ask turning your head back to him. He indeed still had the annoying smirk that you had grown to love plastered on his face.

He lays down on the bed, and starts mimicking you from your dream. "Mmmm," he moans, then he shivers next to you. Then he turns his head to the side and moans again, then whispers, "Newt." Your face is beet red. You don't even remember making any noises in the dream. And why do you have to be the one who sleep talks? Of all the boys in the entire glade, the girl is the only one who sleep talks.

"So might I ask what I was doing," he says slyly while keeping the smirk on his face, probably from seeing how red you are.

"Ugh. Seriously why couldn't I have been sent up to a maze full of girls. I wouldn't have to deal with you and your dumb smirk," you exclaim, knowing what he thought you had been moaning about. "We were just kissing," you tell him in a bored tone, while turning your head away from him again, trying to save some of your dignity.

"Wow. I'm that good of a kisser," he says in a goofily proud tone. "Maybe all of that practice with Minho paid off," he mumbles, and you shoot up from the bed again.

"What," you shriek, disgusted by the idea that your boyfriend might have been practicing with your best friend.

"I'm just kidding love," Newt says, while sitting up, and wrapping his arms around your waist, and pulling you back down to lay on top of him. You groan at your boyfriend, and he chuckles.

"It's not funny," you whine, only making him laugh even more. He shoves his face into your neck to muffle his laughs. Once he stops, you can feel his face turn into a smirk again. He pulls away from you, and flips you over to crawl on top of you, and you start having flashbacks of your dream.

"What are you doing now," you whine at him. He doesn't answer because he smashes his lips onto yours. Your startled for a second, but eventually you melt into the kiss just like you did in your dream.

"Is this what was happening in your dream," he asks in a low voice.

"Something like this," you reply breathily, turning your head to meet his gaze. He smirks at you, and leans back down to your ear.

"Then we've had pretty similar dreams," he whispers, making you shiver again before pressing a soft kiss to your ear.

You turn away from him, so he lifts his head up to look at you. "We're not getting out of bed today are we," you ask in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Nope," Newt tells you with a smirk. He leans back down, and starts kissing your lips again. Maybe a day off wouldn't be so bad.

Hey guys! So I know this one is really short, but I thought it was kinda cute, and I wanted to write something happy since my last one. Please please please comment what you think, and send requests if you have any. I really want to see if my writing can meet your standards.
Anyways peace out for now my fellow shanks. I love you all so much, and please stay safe during quarantine!

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