Its Ok

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The horrifying video of the lady in the white suit ended with her putting a bullet in her own head. You gasp as your head jerks away, hiding it in Newts chest. His arms wrap around your body, one arm around your shoulders, and the other holding your head to his chest.

He just whispers, "It's ok. It's ok," in your ear over and over again.

After a minute of silence, Frypan spoke up. "So is that it?" He asked.

"She said we were important," you hear Newt say as you pull your head away from him. Suddenly a large sliding, metal door opens, disappearing into the space above it. Looking around, all the Gladers give each other cautious looks, wondering what they should do, and who would go first. Taking a deep breath, Thomas takes the first steps towards the door, the rest of us following close behind.

"No," you heard a familiar voice say to your right. Everyone stops in their tracks, looking over to see the keeper of the builders, Gally. He dropped something to the floor, and it rolled off to the side, stopping once it hit the leg of a table. That's when you realize it's a key identical to the one Thomas and Minho found to open the large stone doors. Looking back up to Gally you saw he was shaking, and there was a bleeding hole in the side of his neck. You were already concerned, but then you saw the black gun he was holding in his shaking right hand.

"It's ok Gally. Were free now," Thomas said while putting his hands out in front of him as if trying to say 'calm down'. Looking out of the corner of your eye, you see Minho's fingers wrapping tighter around the spear in his hand. You already knew what he was thinking, and there was no way for you to stop him.

"Free?" Gally asked, his voice cracking. "You think we're free out there," he said while gesturing to the open door. He seemed so weak and broken when he spoke, and you couldn't really believe this was the same Gally that had just tried to sacrifice two other people.

"Yes Gally. We made it. It's over now." Thomas tells him in a panicked tone.

"No," Gally repeated while holding the gun up in front of him, and aiming it at Thomas. You couldn't believe what was happening. Gally was like a brother to you, and it killed you to see him like this. "There's no escaping this place."

"Gally listen to me. You're not thinking straight. Just put down the gun," Thomas begs, making sure Teresa was somewhere behind him. You were watching each of the Gladers movements closely, and you notice Chuck slowly inching closer to Thomas's side. You reach forward, grabbing onto Chuck's arm and pulling him back further into the group, suddenly very worried about what he was planning.

"I belong to the maze now," Gally said with tears in his eyes.

"Just put down the gun," Thomas begs again.

"We all do," he continues, and cocks the gun.

Everything happened in slow motion after that. Without really thinking, you threw yourself out of Newts arms, and jumped in front of Thomas. At the same time you heard a gunshot, and then you looked forward to see Gally fall to the ground with a spear in his chest.

You tried to suck in a deep breath, but it was cut short by something you couldn't see. You felt a searing pain in your rib cage, and it felt like your lungs were collapsing in on themselves. Looking down, you see blood pouring out of the bullet wound just above your stomach. The others didn't seem to notice until you whispered, "Newt," and looked up at him.

He turned to look at you and his eyes go wide. You tumbled to the side with Minho catching you and laying you down on the ground gently. Newt rushed over to you, and picked you up, cradling you in his lap. "(Y/n)! (Y/n) look at me," he says as your eyes roll in and out of your eyelids a few times, unable to focus on anything. He grabs onto your hand tightly, trying to get you to focus on him as he frantically swipes your hair off your sweaty forehead.

You were taking in short, wheezing breaths as your eyes watered up, causing the images in front of you to be distorted. A single tear slips down your cheek as you look up at Newt, a shocked and scared expression plastered on his face.

"I- I don't- what do I-" he stutters over his sobs, unable to think clearly with what was happening. Your eyes were getting heavy, feeling like they were being weighted down, sleep begging you to come into it's clutches. But you knew once you closed your eyes, you would never open them again.

"(Y/n) please! Your going to be fine! We just have to..." His sentence trailed off, not actually knowing what he was going to do to save you.

"You g-guys ha-have to g-go," you gasp out, loosing all feeling in your legs and feet.

"No come on (Y/n)! Your gonna make it! Remember I promised you that you would be safe!" He shouted through his tears.

You looked up at him with a soft smile. "I'll b-be safe when your sa-safe. I-I'll always be wi-with you. I'm h-happy," you told him, trying to sound calm, but failing when you were sent into a coughing fit, sending more and more shocks of searing pain through your chest.

"No I promised you (Y/n). I promised you. Just hang in there for a little longer. Please. For me," he pleaded through his heartbreaking sobs.

You stared deep into his eyes. "You know I can't do that," you felt the darkness dragging you down as your eyes rolled onto the back of your head again. Newt jostling your shoulders frantically made you focus once more on his face. "I love you. Please stay safe," you gasp out. Suddenly he smashes his lips to yours, sobs still breaking through his mouth.

Too soon after, your blinded by light, a second door opening behind all of your friends. Distorted figures rush into the room, grabbing the boys by their arms and dragging them outside.

When the men came to take Newt away from you, he started screaming and thrashing, fighting to get back to you. Your body drops to the floor roughly when they force Newt to stand up, and your hand falls limply out of his. Your dark, almost empty eyes stare back at his as the men drag him away from your body. When he knew he couldn't win the fight against them he yelled, "I love you to, (Y/n)!"

You felt one more tear slip down you cheek, and your last thought was about Newt and everyone else being safe and happy in the end. Your eyelids slid shut as you took your last gasp of air, and you were gone. Slipping into a dreamless world you would never wake up from.

Ok guys so writing this literally made me cry, but I'm doing it for you. Please comment what you thought, or if you have any requests, because I'm writing all of these for you, so I want to know what you want to read.
Anyways peace out for now shanks. Love you!


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