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You started reading through what you had written in your diary that morning, going through what had been in your head. It was mostly about how you were still stuck in the maze, and how you didn't know if you were ever gonna get out, but the last few sentences were talking about your crush, Newt.

'I mean if we're gonna be stuck in this shucking maze forever, then I want to be more then just friends. But he'll never see me more than anything more than just a friend or a little sister. Just another morning in the glade.'

"(Y/n)," a British accent shouts. Newt comes rushing into your room seconds later, panting heavily. "(Y/n) you gotta get to the medhut. One of the runners got stung."

You jump up off your bed, tossing your diary behind you and flipping the blanket over it as you rush out of your room, Newt following close behind. It seemed weird that a runner got stung, cause the runners weren't supposed to have left yet, but maybe Minho had them get up early. Shaking the thought off, you ran out of the homestead, sprinting across the wide open field to get to the medhut. Boys look at you as you run past them, laughing like it's their last time ever. What's going on?

You run into the medhut only to find an empty hallway. Newt runs in right behind you, almost slamming you into the wall.

"Clint! Jeff," you call out, but no one answers. You stride down the hallway, checking in every room, but no ones there. "Are you sure someone was stung," I ask Newt skeptically, turning to face him.

"That's what John told me. He was shoutin' at me that Clint needed you cause one of the runners got stung," Newt says honestly, spinning around to look in the rooms, as confused as you were.

Suddenly you hear someone shout something outside, and you slip past Newt, running back out into the open field. Your met with a large circle of boys, cheering and laughing at someone in the middle. You shove past them, making your way to the front of the group just to see Mason, one of the builders, spinning around and holding up a book in his hand. You immediately recognize it as your diary.

"What the hell," you screech, running at him. "Give it back! That's private," you shout at him as he holds the book up out of your reach.

"I honestly think Newts perfect. He's really cute, brave, kind, and selfless! I just wish he would think of me as more than just a friend," Mason shouts out to all the surrounding Gladers.

"Shut up," you snap, desperately reaching up to try and take your diary back from him, but he continues to hold it up above his head. He tosses it to another one of the boys, Ryan, who opens it back up to keep reading your secrets.

"I really hope Minho hasn't told him I'm head over heels for him! I don't know what Newt would think of me then," he yells, and all the Gladers laugh and cheer. Completely mortified, you spin in a slow circle, looking at all of the boys who were laughing at what you wrote. Suddenly your eyes meet Newts, and you stop moving. Surprisingly he isn't laughing or acting embarrassed as other boys pat him on the back. He's giving you a sad look, his gaze never straying from your eyes.

A look of betrayal crosses your face as you realize what happened. He set you up. He told you that one of the runners got stung so you would leave in a rush, and then the other boys went in and grabbed your diary.

"Why would you do this? I trusted you," you scream at him. Tears streaming down your cheeks from embarrassment, you shove past him, making your way out of the circle. Someone grabs your arm, and forces you to spin towards them. When you look up you see Newt. He's grabbing onto your upper arms, forcing you to stay put.

"(Y/n) I swear I didn't know! I didn't know they were gonna do this," he tells you desperately, gripping your arms tighter from you jerking them.

"You set me up! I can't believe I ever thought you were my friend," you cry. He tries to keep you there, but with one more jerk of your arms you break free, spinning around and running back to your room in the homestead.

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now