His Limp

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(I got this idea from something I read on 'shaytheloser's OneShot book. You should totally go check her out, cause her stories are shucking awesome)
(Also in this, Newt never jumped)

You slowly woke up to a soft light shining in through the window of the medhut. You were sitting in a chair next to a cot, and you were laying your arms and head on it. You sat up and saw Minho asleep on the cot in front of you.

He looked peaceful while he was sleeping. Much better than the constant screaming from yesterday. Your best friend had been stung while he was in the maze, and you hadn't left his side since. He was like a brother to you, and you couldn't stand to see him in pain.

You were shot back into the real world when you heard a soft knock at the door, and a boy stepped inside the room.

"Hey (Y/n)." Newt spoke softly, a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey Newt," you reply before turning back to Minho, not returning the smile.

Newt sighs. "It's almost time for us to go," he says. You and Newt always ran the maze with each other because the keeper of the runners, and your best friend didn't want you out there on your own, and it was just a coincidence that you happened to have a crush on Newt. You felt alone and empty without Minhos sassy comments, or how he would tease you because you were shorter than him, or if you didn't do something he wanted, he would threaten to tell Newt about your crush on him. You never thought those were things you would actually miss.

When you don't answer, Newt walks over to you, crouching down to your height to get your attention. "Hey look at me," he tells you in a soft tone. You slowly move your gaze from your best friend to your unknown crush. "He's gonna be ok. If anyone of us were going to make it through this, it's Minho. Why do you think he's the keeper of the bloody job?"

You huff out a laugh, unable to keep the small smile off your face. You wrap your arms around Newt, and rest your forehead on his shoulder. He returns the hug, holding you firmly against his body while you relish the feeling of being safe in his arms.

"Thank you," you mumble, and he squeezes you a little tighter to himself.

After who knows how long Newt speaks up. "We should probably get going," he whispers into your hair.

You take a deep breath and sigh while pulling away from him. "Do we have to," you ask sadly, your eyes focused on his.

"Yes, love," he tells you. "You know Minho would rather you out running than worrying about him," he tells you while cupping your cheeks in his hands.

You take another deep breath and let it out, knowing Newt was right. While looking back towards Minho you say, "Ya. I know."

"Hey come on. You need to get your mind off of him," Newt tells you in a cheery tone, probably hoping to pass some of his enthusiasm onto you. He stands up, and grabs your hand pulling you up with him. He keeps a strong grip on it as he guides you out of the medhut, you taking one last quick glance back at your best friend before the door closes behind you.

Newt doesn't let go of your hand when you walk over to the maze doors to meet Ben there. "Here ya go girly," Ben tells you while passing you your bag. The nickname brings a small smile to your face. Most of the boys used a nickname for you, like shebean or girly or missy. Your real name was barely ever used.

"Thanks Ben," you softly smile at him while slinging the bag over your shoulders, and clipping it over your chest. You readjusted your fingerless gloves, and pulled the backpack a little higher on your back. The doors rumbled to life, and you watched as they parted slowly. You glance at Newt and see that he's already in position to take off running.

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now