Seperated in the Scorch (Part 2)

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After you found out Newts name, you convinced him to come over and help you lift the grate.

"Thanks," you mumble while jumping down into the tunnel beneath. You land on your feet, and stumble to the side a little, but catch yourself on the wall. It takes Newt longer to get down into the tunnel cause he sat down on the edge of the grate, and slowly lowered himself down so there was practically no drop. Maybe he's afraid of heights or something, you think to yourself.

"Ok we need to get to Marcus's house as soon as possible," you tell him while grabbing a flashlight, and aiming it around the tunnel you dropped down into. "But it's on the other side of the city," you finish.

"Aw bloody hell," you hear Newt mumble.

"Come on we need to move," you tell him while grabbing a notebook out of your back pack. You toss him a second flashlight, and he clicks it on. You open the notebook, to reveal a bunch of maps.

"How much bloody time did you spend down here," Newt asks from behind your shoulder, making you jump.

You spin around and face him with an angry and annoyed expression on your face. "You can't just go looking over my shoulder at my notebook," you snap at him. He has an apologetic look on his face, and suddenly you feel sorry for snapping at him. "Ok I'm sorry. Just don't do it again," you tell him, and his expression calms down. You both seem to come to an unspoken agreement to drop the subject.

"Ok so where are we going," he asks. You look back down at your notebook, and turn to your right.

"This way," you say while pointing down the tunnel. You start walking, and Newt speed walks to catch up to you, then falls into step beside you.

After a minute of silence he speaks up. "So why are you helping us," he asks.

"Pfft. Trust me. It's not my idea. If it weren't for Jorge and Brenda, I wouldn't be helping you guys out," you tell him truthfully.

"Why because of them," he continues, not seeming to care what you said about not helping them.

"They aren't immune," you state simply. "Jorge thinks you guys are our ticket to the Right Arm. They've been taking immunes to the safe haven for years, and that's where we want to go."

"And you aren't immune," he pushes, trying to get answers.

You sigh. "It's complicated. Yes I am an immune, but Jorge seems to like to use that against me. Leaves me behind to do all of his dirty work. He's known Brenda since she was almost five years old. He's like a father to her. I just showed up a year ago, and when Jorge found out, he used me to his advantage."

"Then why did you stay with them? Why did you just let him keep using you?" He asks, sounding almost baffled by the sheer thought of it.

You were starting to get frustrated. You didn't want him to know all of this about you, but for some reason, you felt drawn to tell him more. No stop it! You can't start caring about him, you snap at yourself.

"Because I care about them," you say, with an edge in your tone, hoping he'll get the hint.

"Ok but-" you cut him off by turning to him, grabbing the front of his shirt in your fists, and shoving him up against the wall. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

"Listen ok," you snap at him. "Sometimes when you care about someone your willing to do anything for them. Now I'm considered stupid for this, but it's true. Your supposed to look out for number one when your out here. Make sure you make it to the next day, but if you had been through shit like me, then you know that your life is the last one that counts compared to your friends and family's. You would do anything for them, and if you want to live, then don't do it my way, but if I had a chance to save the only family I had ever known, then for me it would be worth it." Your growling all of this to him, and he's still pinned between you and the wall.

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