A Night in the Maze (Part 2)

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You woke up in your bed to the sound of your alarm on your watch. Maybe today, you tell yourself, feeling oddly hopeful after three years of not finding anything. When you stand up, that's when you realize something. You had accidentally fallen asleep on Newts shoulder last night. Did he carry me back? Or did Thomas find us, and he got onto the greenie and took me back to my room? Multiple questions swirled in your head as you stood up, the dim light of the early morning sending a soft glow into your room.

You stretched your hands up above your head, and sighed when your back popped. You jumped up off the bed, and walked out of your room, being careful to not wake the other Gladers. You bounded down the stairs, and ran out the door and towards the kitchens. For some reason you had a bubble of excitement in the pit of your stomach.

When you got to the kitchens you plopped down at a table with Minho, Ben, and Thomas. The other runners were at a separate table.

"Hey guys," you greet them in a cheery tone.

"Someone's happy," Ben comments with a laugh.

"She's thinking about last night with the greenie," Thomas says, and your cheeks turn red.

"Ya ya. Whatever. All I did was fall asleep," you say, trying to save some of your dignity.

"On his shoulder, and then he carried you back to your room," Thomas says while smirking at you.

"You little," you say while reaching over and smacking the back of his head.

"Heyyyyyyy," he whined while holding the back of his head. "I should throw you in the slammer," he tells you with a pout.

"Ya I'm sure you would do that," you say sarcastically.

You eat your breakfast while making small talk with the boys, and thinking about the greenie. You don't know why, but just the thought of him plastered a goofy grin on your face.

When you, Minho, and Ben were done eating, you all stood up and walked over to the doors with Thomas following. You shoved a sandwich in your small backpack, and clipped it over your shoulders.

The doors rumbled to life, and Thomas sent you a smile and a pat on the back. You glanced at Ben before running into the maze. Minho took a left and you and Ben turned right just like every other day.

You had a small grin on your face the whole time. You always felt happy when you were running. You felt like nothing could happen to you. You felt like you were free from all your troubles. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

You had been running alongside Ben for a few hours when you heard a mechanical whirring and metal stomping on stone. You both came to a halt, and looked at each other with a worried expression. When you heard the noises, your heads shot around to different paths, trying to find the one the griever sounds were coming from.

You were panting, but from exhaustion from running, or the fear of the griever, you didn't know. Suddenly the sounds stop. You look around frantically trying to see if it was gone, and you mentally sighed in relief when you didn't see it. Your mental cheering was cut short when a loud clang sounded from behind you. You jumped forward and spun around to see the giant monster right in front of you.

You looked around to see where Ben was, but the griever was separating the two of you. The hideous chunk of blob stared at you while showing it's teeth. You stayed as still as possible, not wanting to antagonize it.

Suddenly it's arm shoots out and swings at you. You don't have time to jump away, so it sends your body flying into the wall. You body slams into it, and falls to the ground with a loud groan. Your coughing uncontrollably, and wheezing, the blow knocking the air out of you.

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