Anger Issues

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"Drop it!" Harriet shouts at a boy and an older looking man who have a bomb in their hand.

Their heads shoot up and stare at us while the boy keeps the bomb in his hand.

"Come on! Don't be stupid!" Sonya shouts, and they drop the bomb.

"Get up!" I yell at the boys and they stand up. "Get over there," I say directing them over to the rest of the boys with the gun I'm holding. I couldn't tell why, but the boys seemed familiar.

When I got the boy and the older man over to the rest of the group, all of them stood with their hands up. That's when you realized who the boys were. They were the boys from the maze!

It was Thomas, Frypan, Minho, Teresa, and Newt. Wait a second, was that really him? Newt was your boyfriend in the maze. Part of you wanted to run to him, and wrap your arms around him and never let go, but you were to scared about what he might say to you.

You hadn't seen him since you escaped WICKED. You got separated while running from the cranks, and you never found them. You looked very different even though it had only been a month since you last saw them, and you weren't a sweet little girl anymore. For the week that you guys were at WICKEDs facility, they ran awful tests on you. They left a scar down the side of your neck that you always covered up with your braid. Only people who knew about it were Harriet, Sonya, Vince, and Mary. You were to scared to tell Newt or any of your other friends because whatever they did to you when they gave you that scar changed you. Of course you weren't around the boys enough for them to notice while you were still at WICKED.

You would have these random anger outbursts, and then you would breakdown in tears right afterwards. Normally Sonya or Harriet would come and calm you down after the initial outburst, but you always told them that they needed to get rid of you. It got so bad that you ended up punching a soldier in the jaw, and ran off right afterwards. You couldn't control yourself when you had an outburst. It was like a different person was controlling your body, and you could do nothing to help it.

Mary was doing her best to try and help you with your outbursts, and the only reason Vince actually let you stay was because Mary told him about what WICKED did to you. He pitied you, and allowed you to stay.

You were shot back into reality when Harriet said, "Aris?"

"Harriet?" The boy replied in complete shock.

Then Sonya took her bandana off her face and ran up to one of the boys. "Oh my god! Aris! What the hell! We could have shot you dumbass!" Sonya yelled as she embraced the boy.

The girls had told you about Aris before. Sonya had a major crush on him in the maze, and he was pretty much the equal to Teresa while another boy that didn't make it was the equal to you.

"This is Aris," you asked through your bandana. Harriet just nodded while Sonya and Aris kept embracing each other.

"Were all clear guys!" Harriet shouted to all of the other soldiers who were hiding up on the cliffs. Harriet walked the boys over to one of the military jeeps, and had them all get in to take them to Vince.

When you all hopped out of the Jeep, you three led them over to Vince.

"(Y/n) you can take off your bandana now," Sonya laughed while you were walking to find Vince. You just ignored her.

"Wait, (Y/n)?" You heard Frypan ask.

Before Harriet could see your sign to make an excuse, she said, "Ya this is (Y/n). Found her a little over a month ago in the middle of the Scorch."

All of the boys stopped as you turned around to face them just like Harriet and Sonya.

"(Y/n) just take the mask off," Sonya gently encouraged.

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