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Hey guys! So just a heads up, this was a request I had for Shaytheloser, so you should totally go check her version out! It's amazing, I just thought I would write my own. Also this doesn't go by the books or the movies exactly, but I still hope you enjoy it.

Gally had just ordered three of the builders to go and get Thomas and Teresa out of the slammer. You were standing next to him, looking around nervously. You made eye contact with your boyfriend, Newt, and you give him a scared look. He just turned his head away, a hurt expression on his face.

After Alby died, Newt was supposed to take over as leader, but Gally rallied up all the other Gladers, and he took over. The only problem is that you were with Gally. More like Gally had forced you to be on his side. It had always been a bit of a battle between your brother and your boyfriend. You wanted to stick by your brother because he cared about you more than almost anyone, but Newt was your boyfriend, and you loved him. It didn't help that the two boys almost never agreed on anything, so you were always stuck in the position to choose sides.

This time Gally gave you no option. You didn't want to believe that the Glade was no longer safe. You were one of the original Gladers, so this had been your home ever since you could remember. But you also didn't want to have to go back into the maze.

You used to be a runner, but that ended when you were attacked by a griever, and almost lost your arm. The thought makes you subconsciously reach for where your arm meets your shoulder, feeling the large, lumpy scar that runs along it. You couldn't go back into the maze, but that meant turning on your boyfriend.

Your shot out of your thoughts by the builders dropping Thomas on the ground. That's when Gally starts talking.

"Wow. This is such a waste," he says in a sorry tone. You cross your arms over your chest, holding your machete in one hand while you look down at your feet. Teresa had become a close friend to you, and you didn't want to watch your brother basically kill her, but you knew you couldn't go up against him.

"Gally! What do you think killing us is going to do! Guys why are you just standing there? He's crazy! (Y/n) listen to me," she pleads. All eyes turn to you as she continues talking. "If we don't get out of here, the grievers are going to come back! Their going to come back until your all dead! That's the only way out of here! That's the only way we'll be safe," she says, nodding towards the maze door. In a quick second your right in front of her, pointing your machete at her chest. She has nowhere to go because one of the builders is holding onto her arms from behind her.

"Don't tell me that place is safe," you growl darkly and glare at her as the boys go completely still. "I know what's in there. I know what will happen if we go back. There is no shucking way out. I looked for two years. There's nothing in there. I'll throw you to the grievers if I have to, but we're staying here."

Your panting from the rush of Adrenalin as you lower your machete. You almost want to cry because of what you just said to Teresa, but it was what you were thinking at the moment. As you back away from her, you feel Gally put his hand on your shoulder, and you look up at him. He gives you a soft nod before demanding the builders to tie Thomas and Teresa up. You subconsciously reach for your shoulder again, and you happen to glance over at Newt.

His expression hasn't changed, but now it holds so much more than just one emotion. It shows hurt, worry, sadness, understanding, pain, warning. You jerk your arm back to your side, looking back forward. That's when the supposedly unconscious Thomas jumps up, and punches one of the builders in the face. Most of the boys are shocked still as others start knocking them down.

About fifteen of the boys make their way to the maze door, pointing spears and knives at everyone else.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving. This place isn't our home," Thomas says, holding his spear up that Chuck handed him.

The Maze Runner: Newt ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu