Cranky Love (Pt. 1)

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Description: When your boyfriend is attacked by a crank and you save his life, he doesn't take it very well. You also have a hard time keeping a dark secret from everyone else.

"Newt!" You screech when you see the crank break through the glass and land on top of your boyfriend. You had been looking for supplies in an old mall when Thomas and Minho came running around the corner with these freaky zombie looking things chasing them. You all sprinted off to find an exit, and you went up the escalator.

The crank dragged Newt to the ground, and started crawling on top of him. You ran at it, and tackled it off of Newt. You rolled, and threw the crank off of you, but it's claws dragged down your arm in the process. While holding your arm close to your chest, you ran in the opposite direction of the boys and Teresa, and just like you were hoping for, all of the cranks followed.

"(Y/n)!" You heard Newt scream.

"Go without me! I'll meet up with you later!" You yelled back at them before you ran around another corner with the cranks chasing you. It was a good thing you were a runner in the Glade because these things weren't slow.

As you ran down a narrow hallway, you saw a door with a lock on it at the end. The cranks were still chasing you down the hall, but they were stumbling over each other.

You ran at the door, and threw yourself at it shoulder first, and busted it open. While the cranks were still stumbling down the hall, you ran over to grab an old piece of rope to tie the door handles shut. You knew it wouldn't hold them for long, but it was better than nothing.

After you tied the rope off, you ran around three more corners, and ran through a pair of double doors. When you went through this pair, you ran into someone. You screamed expecting it to be a crank, especially when the person grabbed your shoulders, but when you looked up it turned out to be Minho. You sighed in relief as he pulled you over to a slab of concrete, and you saw everyone else sitting there.

You leaned over while still holding your arm to your chest. You would have to find someway to cover it up before anyone saw. You were taking deep shaking breaths, but it seemed like Newt had other priorities bigger than making sure you could actually breathe.

He slammed your shoulders into the wall of rubble behind you, and started shouting at you. "What the bloody hell was that! You could have gotten yourself killed! What the bloody hell were you thinking dumbass! Why do you have to be so damn stupid!" Minho and Thomas ran over and pulled him off of you because you were to scared and shocked to shove him off yourself.

"Hey what the shuck is wrong with you man!" Minho shouted at Newt who was struggling against their grip.

"She was being a bloody dumbass, and almost got herself killed! That's what the shuck is wrong with me!" Newt shouted back.

"What the hell Newt!" You screeched. "I just saved your shuckin life, and this is how you thank me! By throwing me against the wall and screaming at me! Wow! I'm glad I just risked my life for you! Remind me to never do it again!" You had tears running down your cheeks now, and you didn't want to see Newts face any longer.

Before anyone could say anything else, you ran out from under the slab of concrete, and sprinted to a nearby door. You opened it, and slammed it shut behind you. You decided that you were going to try to find something to wrap your arm with because the scratch wasn't pretty. You were just hoping you didn't run into any cranks while you were back there.

You ran to a section of the mall, and started looking around for something like a first aid kit, or even a scrap of old clothing.

You found an old long sleeve shirt, and you ripped the sleeve off of it. You tied it around the deep black wound on your arm. Once you had tied it, you pulled the sleeve of your shirt back down to cover it, and you walked over to a wall, and slid your back down it. When you were sitting on the ground, you pulled your knees to your chest and rested your head on them.

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