Little Girls

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You were cutting up a pig for the bonfire tonight. The greenie was supposed to come up today, and you were running a little far behind. You had to finish cutting up this pig, and then Winston had two more chickens lined up right next to it on the table.

You stepped away from the table for a second, and leaned back against a nearby fence. You took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of animals and animals klunk. It's not like you enjoyed killing animals, or the smells, but Winston was very surprised when you didn't pass out the day you were supposed to try out for the Slicers.

You took one more deep breath to clear your mind, and you went back over to your cutting table. You were slicing the meat for about five more minutes when you accidentally cut your finger.

"Son of a shuck-face," you mumble, stepping away from the pig again, and shaking your hand around right next to you.

"You did it again," a voice asks from behind you.

"Oh shuck off Newt. Don't you have some Second in Command stuff to do over with the builders," you sarcastically snap at your boyfriend. You hear him chuckle, and he walks up, and wraps his arms around your waist from behind. You lean back into his strong chest closing your eyes for a minute, and leaning your head back on his shoulder. You take another deep breath, and let it out while he holds you.

"You ok," he asks in a sweet tone.

"Fine," you say with a yawn. "Just a little tired," you tell him. He knew that you didn't sleep well, so there really was no point in asking, but he did it anyways. The thought made you smile.

You stand like this for a few more minutes, him resting his head on yours, and you leaning back against him, when the greenie alarm goes off. You sigh, you and Newt staying like that for a few more seconds, before you pull away from him, and turn around.

"Yay more boys," you say in a fake cheery tone, and do little jazz hands. Newt chuckles again, and pulls you into a hug. His arms are wrapped around your back, while yours are around his waist, and you lean your forehead on his shoulder.

You stand like that for a minute before Newt mumbles, "I should probably go."

You sigh. "I know," you reply in a sad tone. Newt kisses the top of your head before stepping away from you, and giving you a loving smile. "You should probably get to the box before Gally, so he doesn't scare the klunk outta the newbie," you smile at him, trying to make a joke.

"Good Point," Newt tells you before turning around, and limping out of the barn as quickly as possible. You smile, and shake your head softly at your boyfriend. How did I get so lucky, you ask yourself in your head.

You walk over to the small sink in the corner of the barn. You run your finger under the cool stream of water, and find a small box of bandaids under the sink. You wrap it around your finger, and walk back to your table to finish chopping the chickens.

You moved the pig to the side, stepping in front of the chicken, and slicing it down the middle. The greenie alarm blared for another ten minutes before you heard a lot of commotion outside. We got a runner, you think, and laugh out loud at Zarts favorite statement. You hear more commotion, and all the boys are shouting, and that's when you decide to go check it out. Normally the greenie didn't cause this much trouble.

You open the large door that leads outside, and what you see shocks you. All of the boys are running after what looks like a little girl. Like 'little' little girl. You quickly take your blood soaked shirt off, leaving you in a white tank top, that thankfully didn't get soaked in blood, and run out of the barn while tying the sleeves around your waist.

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