Stomach Bug

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You wake up to someone pounding on your door quickly, shouting at you to get up. You groan, lifting your head off your pillow and looking down at your watch. It was already 7:45! You were supposed to be up half an hour ago. Scrambling to get out of bed, you jump up, running over to the small mirror in the corner of your room.

Once you get over there, your over come by a wave of dizziness. You tumble to the side, crashing into the wall as you fall to the floor. The blow knocks the wind out of you, and your sent into a coughing fit, doubled over on the wood floors. Eventually your coughs calm down, leaving you gasping for air. A massive headache clouds your mind as you rub your forehead, begging for it to go away.

Suddenly your door bursts open, and your eyes meet Newts worried gaze. "Bloody hell (Y/n)! What happened," he snaps, running over to you and helping you sit up against the wall. You forgot he was in the room right next to you.

"S-Sorry. I tripped. Just stood up a little to fast," you tell him in a wheezy voice. You swat his hands away, planting your palms on the ground and scooting over to your bed. Grabbing onto the sheets, you pull yourself into a standing position. You hold in a groan when another wave of dizziness engulfs you. Newts arms wrap around your waist, making sure you don't tip. "Newt I'm fine," you whine, crawling up onto your bed and spinning around to face him. "For real. I'll be out in a minute."

"(Y/n) your obviously not-"

"Newt just get out. I promise I'm ok. I'll meet you in the kitchens," you half heartedly smile at him through tired eyes. He sighs, slouching out of the room and closing the door behind him. You fall backwards, your hands out and above your head as a few more coughs escape your lips.

After a few minutes, you sit up, running your fingers through your hair a few times and pulling it up into a high ponytail. You walk out of your room only to run right into Newts chest.

"Bloody hell (Y/n). I was about to go back in there to get you," he exclaims, grabbing your shoulders so you didn't stumble. You give him another halfhearted smile, still feeling dizzy. "Hey are you sure your ok," he asks in a concerned tone. You grab his wrists, gently forcing his hands off your shoulders.

"I'm fine," you tell him, trying to not cringe from the massive headache. You start walking away, down the stairs and out of the homestead when he catches up to you. Lets hope you didn't get any worse through out the day.

Time Skip after breakfast

You walked out of the kitchens with all of your friends, about to disperse to your separate jobs. Giving your friends a lazy wave goodbye, and getting a worried look from Newt, you followed Winston over to the bloodhouse.

Once you got inside, the stench didn't help your headache. Your nose was stuffy, and you were still stumbling around as you followed him.

"Ok we gotta wash out the animal pens outside, and we gotta get a piglet. What do you want to do," he asks, looking at a small list to see what jobs the other slicers had already taken up.

"I'll wash out the animal pens. The smell in here is giving me a headache," you tell him, and he chuckles.

"Yep it can do that to ya sometimes," he says with another laugh. "Ok you can go ahead and get to work out there, and holler if you need anything." You nod at him, making your way back outside slowly, and over to the tool shed. You would have to rake out all of the old hay and klunk, then hose it all down, but first you needed the rake and the shovel.

Walking past the track-hoes probably wasn't a good idea, because Newt was with them, and you could still see the worry etched into his face. Shaking it off, which didn't help with your headache, you open the tool shed, walking inside. Looking around for a second, you finally find a rake and an extra shovel over in the corner. You walk over to it, and grab the handles, dragging them behind you as you close the door of the tool shed.

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