Keeper of the Runners

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You were in pain. Your head was throbbing, and your lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves as you limped back to the Glade with a large piece of metal stuck in your leg. You were only a few turns away from the glade entrance, but the doors were going to close in five minutes.

Everything happened so fast that you don't even remember any specific details. One minute you were jogging around a corner, and the next a griver jumped out in front of you. The next few minutes were a blur, but something must have scared the griever off, because you were still alive, the only major damage that could be determined was the saw blade that was digging into the muscles of your calf.

A wave of dizziness clouds your mind, even worse than a hangover from Gally's drink ever could, and your eyes phase in and out of focus. Your leg twitches, adjusting the sharp piece of metal, bringing you completely back into focus as you continue to stumble through the maze.

Newt POV

She should have been back by now. (Y/n) had accidentally slept in a few minutes this morning, and got a late start to her run, but it was only by a few minutes. It shouldn't be taking her this long to get back to the Glade. All of the other runners were back by now, except her, sending all of the boys into a slight panic.

We were all huddled around the North entrance, murmers being passed from boy to boy, some wondering where she was, others volunteering to go find her. Minho glances down to check his watch, and I see him mumble 'three minutes.'

"I need to go back in there," Minho decides, not really asking a question. Boys mumbled protests while others looked like they were going to follow him in. He looked like he was about to run back into the maze when Gally stepped in front of him, shoving him back with his hands.

"Not happenin shank," Gally replied in a strict tone.

"Oh what you just want the doors to close with her still in there," Minho retorted while shoving Gally back.

"You really think (Y/n) would want you running in there and getting yourselves killed," Gally yelled at Minho while gesturing to the soon to be closed doors. "Guys you know she would never forgive us if we went in there to find her," Gally turned to address all of the Gladers. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

But I didn't care. This was my girlfriend we were talking about, practically a sister to the rest of the boys. She was the one who made us all laugh at the bonfires, and made the Greenies feel safe around us all. How could I even think about just leaving her behind when the joy of the entire Glade revolves around her existence.

Before I could think much more on this, I saw a figure come around the corner. My heart lept with excitement when I realized it was (Y/n), but it dropped back to my stomach when I realized she was limping, her face contorted in pain.

A blur rushes past me, and I realize it was Minho. He wraps her arm around his shoulders, carrying her back past the threshold of the doors and into the Glade.

A gust of wind blasts through the open field, signaling the closing of the doors, but none of us were focused on that at the moment.

"What the shuck happened," Gally shouted.

"Where the hell were you?" Minho.

What took you so long?" Thomas.

She doesn't bother to give a response as she just laid there. Her chest heaved up and down as she sucked in deep breaths, and her eyes squeezed shut anytime the medjacks went to move her leg.

"G-grie-griever," she panted. Jeff and Clint continue to examine her leg while other gladers run to grab them water and rags.

"We need to move her to the medhut," Clint states. Minho picks her up bridal style, trying his best not to move her leg, but a small whimper of pain escapes her lips as her eyes squeeze shut.

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