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Hey guys! I'm sorry this isn't an update, but I have some interesting questions just to geek out about the Maze Runner Trilogy.

Who's fault is it that Newt didn't get the serum on time?

This one I had to think long and hard about cause first I was like ok it's this person, but then I realized someone else did something to that person which lead up to Newt not getting the serum. I really had to think about this one, but I think I have an answer. Please tell me what you think!

What exact deal did Teresa make with Ava when they found the Right Arm?

When Thomas pulls the bomb out, Teresa says that she made a deal with them, and that they would all be safe. Then Ava says that it's true and it was her only condition. So were just gonna assume she was only talking about the Gladers (Thomas, Minho, Newt, Frypan) but what exactly did she mean? Did she mean that if they went back to WICKED they could live happy normal lives and they wouldn't be put through anymore tests? Or did it mean that they would still be put through tests, but nothing bad would actually happen to them? Again please comment what you think!

What would have happened if Janson had called Newts name when the Gladers first arrived at WICKED?

Ok so when the Gladers first escape the maze and they watch the video of Ava, she says the young would have to be tested and sacrificed in harsh environments to see what makes them different. But what if they weren't immune? I'm pretty sure out of all the Gladers that made it out, Newt and Winston were the only two who were not immune (sorry if I am wrong) So What would have happened if Janson had called him up, and he got hooked up to the ceiling, cause they wouldn't be able to get any weird blue stuff from either of them? Please comment!

Ok I feel like I might get a lot of hate for this question, but here it goes.

Do you think Teresa redeems herself in the Death Cure?

I'm not even gonna write an explanation for this one, cause I feel like people would hate me lol.

I hope this was fun for you, and please don't hate on me if any of this information is false! I am currently reading the books, and I'm halfway through the Scorch Trials. Me and my dad got into a whole freaking debate over these exact questions last night, and it made me curious. So please comment what you think on all of the questions, cause I want to know your opinions! Maybe you'll help me see one of these questions differently, who knows?
Anyways peace out for now my fellow shanks. I love you all so so much, and please stay safe and healthy!


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