Thats Cheating

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It was another bonfire for the new Greenie. He had remembered his name a few hours after he got here, and he started shouting with joy and made a scene in the middle of the Glade. "Logan! My name is Logan!"

Honestly it was pretty funny. Sometimes you and your friends would just get together, and laugh about each others reaction about when you first came out of the box. They always thought yours was the funniest because you punched the Second in Command in the face.

A boy, who you later found out to be Alby, pulled you out of the box, and everyone started surrounding you. Before you could really think what you were doing, you jumped up, and sprinted to a gap in the wall that was surrounding this place. Just before you got through the gap, someone tackled you to the ground. You both rolled around in the grass for a second, before the boy was on top of you, trying to pin you to the ground to keep you from running again. Before he could grab your wrists, you slammed your fist into his jaw, and he rolled off of you. Then before you could get up, some boys ran up to you and grabbed your arms, dragging you off to the pit.

One of them was Minho, and the other was Frypan. They threw you into the slammer, and as they were walking off, you heard Minho say, "I already like her."

So here you were again, over a year later, and you were just sitting in a little group, talking about how Newt couldn't talk for three days because you punched him so hard that it hurt to move his jaw. Except maybe you punching him was a good thing, cause if you hadn't had that first interaction with him, then maybe he wouldn't be your boyfriend like he is now.

There was a small group of boys sitting in a circle on some tipped over logs with you. Newts arm was around your waist, and your head was resting on his shoulder. Right now you were talking about how Frypan got his nickname because he ran straight to the kitchens, and used a heavy metal frypan as a weapon against the boys. You were all laughing till you cried, until Gally summoned you all over to the fighting ring.

They always made sure that you got in the ring at least once every night a new greenie came. It was for two reasons. 1. So they knew to not mess with you. 2. So they know your not just the Glade princess, and that your a lot tougher than you look, and not to brag, but you kinda are.

You would usually fight Newt. He normally stayed away from the pit, but ever since you punched him, it was always a joke of if he could get you back. It was pretty much 50/50 when you fought on who would win. Normally it would depend on how much of Gally's drink you each had had that night. Thankfully you had both just shared half a jar, so you were pretty sober.

When you got over there, you stepped into the ring, and did a 360 turn with your fingers cupping your chin, as if in deep thought of who you would pick. When you were done with your dramatic turn, you pointed to Newt. He rolled his eyes as all the other boys started cheering. He stepped into the ring, and got in a fighting position. He knew to not go easy on you, and you were glad that he didn't treat you like some helpless little girl.

You got into your regular stance, and that's when Newt spoke up. "Be prepared to lose," he said with a smirk.

"Ya in your dreams sweetheart," you shot back with your own smirk.

"Well I got some tricks up my sleeve this time."

"Oh ya? And what might those be Newtie," you asked with a laugh.

He just rolled his eyes at the nickname, but you know he's just doing it for show.

Alby spoke up. "On your mark! Get set!" And then the rest of the Gladers yelled, "Fight!"

You and Newt charged at each other. He swung his arm out, but before he could hit you, you ducked under it. You spun around and grabbed his arm causing him to flip backwards and land on his back. He swung his leg, and took your feet right out from underneath you. You fell and landed on your hip, before he jumped back up. After a second, you got back up to. Somehow he got behind you, wrapped his hands around your waist, and threw you to the ground. He was about to land on top of you to keep you from moving, when you rolled out from underneath him. He fell to the ground, and you took this chance to jump on top of him. You landed on him, keeping his arms pinned at his sides.

"Whatcha gonna do now," you asked with a smirk as you leaned down over him.

The next thing he did was unexpected. He leaned up and pressed his lips to yours. You slowly released your grip on his wrists, and moved your hands to his hair. You completely forgot that you were in the ring, and frankly you didn't care at the moment. No matter how many times you kissed him, you would always melt into it, completely forgetting about everything around you two.

All of the sudden you felt his hands move in between himself and your stomach. His lips pulled away from yours, and he rolled you off of him. While you were still in a daze, he lifted you up, and dropped you on the outside of the ring. All of the boys started cheering and laughing.

When you realized what had just happened you started whining loudly. "Hey that's cheating," you pouted and all of the other boys laughed.

"No it's not love," Newt replied with a smirk. "The rules are to get the other out of the circle. The rules don't say how."

"Oh you are so dead," you say with a glare. You jumped up and charged at him.

"Oh shit," he said before sprinting away from you.

You ran after him, and you heard boys yelling things behind you like, "Your in for it Newt," and, "Well it's nice knowin ya."

You both spent about ten more minutes with you chasing him around before you both just stopped, and sat down next to a tree. You were both panting as he had his arms wrapped around you, and you were cuddling into his side.

"That's still," pant, "cheating," you say to him with a smile.

Newt laughed, but it came out in a single huff. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Well then I might have to do it more often," he mumbled into your hair. You were still panting, and you just then realized how tired you were. You really couldn't tell why Minho wanted you as a runner.

You ended up falling asleep against the tree, just glad to be in each other's arms.

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