2B (Sick)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

You know what's weird? I can tell you. Getting a fever so noticeable your teacher forces you to the nurse then that same teacher takes care of you until you get better.

I laugh at that. With my lifestyle, there is no better. Dadzawa does not find my laugh as amusing, however. He just stares at me until I quiet again.

Dadzawa (Flashback: morning)

I arrive at school late, having watched a movie later than I should have with Eri and Shinsou. They both asked why their practically (Hitoshi) brother or their other brother (Eri) wasn't there with us. I said he was hanging out with somebody at the dorms. I'm waiting to ask Problem S-Child if he is willing to be adopted by me and Mic. I haven't been able to get him one-on-one, though. (If only I knew wishes come in weird ways.)

By the time I reach my class, Problem S-Child is asleep. I quit. Problem Son it is. After that short conversation with myself, I wait for the class to quiet down. Surprisingly, they quiet down quickly. In fact, they weren't super loud originally. Even Boom Boom Problem Child was quieter than usual. If only Problem Son knew. Maybe he would accept more help if he did. I just sigh. "Alright class. All of you, excluding Midoriya, will partake in a training activity outside." They quickly leave.

I grab Problem Son and bring him to Recovery Girl so she can find out what's wrong. He doesn't move the whole way. It scares me to the point where I check his pulse. I let out a slight sigh of relief when I feel a beat. It still worries me into getting to her office quicker.

"Yes?" asks Recovery Girl as we walk in. She sees Problem Son before I can even answer. "Oh. Give him here."

She swiftly grabs a thermometer as I lay him down. "You think he's sick?" She turns to give me a stare before going back to the child.

"No. I'm just checking his temperature because I think it has nothing to do what caused this." The sarcasm floods out of her words. I just roll my eyes. "He's burning up. Take him home." I turn to her with wide eyes.

"Wait-wh-" I don't get to finish before the child is out back into my arms and I'm shoved out the door. If she's trusting me with him, at least I should be able to take care of him. Darn her for knowing my plans of adoption.

Sonzuku POV (Present)

I giggle as Dadzawa moves in and out of my view. I don't miss the slight smile on him. I point it out. "Wow! I didn't know you do that!" It makes me giggle more. He just shakes his head and attempts to give me medicine.

"Take it," Dadzawa says sternly. I just continue to laugh at him. While I do so, he shoves some into my mouth making me pout.

"That was rude." I turn away from him and ignore him. After what feels like forever, I turn around to see if he's still there, frightened. I relax a bit as I see him there, but the panic still makes me cry.

"Midoriya? Are you okay?" Dadzawa's voice rings. I nod.

What if he leaves me like Mom did? And whoever is my father? What if Dadzawa does the same?

Dadzawa seems to tell I'm still panicking and grabs me. He strokes my hair until I stop crying. I start to giggle again at my stupid actions. He seems to sense my thought process and frowns.

"It's not stupid." Oh. I must have been mumbling. Fun. I wonder how future me will take this. Eh, I'll probably run. I usually do. Outrun my problems I mean. Most of the time it works.

"If I tell you a secret for future you, will you go to sleep?" Dadzawa asks me. I pretend to think about it, making both of us laugh.

"Sure," I chirp, happy to receive a secret. "I'll even share one in return." Future me is gonna hate sick me. This makes me laugh more. Dadzawa waits until I calm down to tell me the secret.

"I plan to adopt you. If you accept when you're not so sick, we'll all be happy to have you." I still. A secret for a secret I guess.

"I was going to tell you something small, but after that, I think you deserve more." Dadzawa tries to say that I don't need to, but my next words stop him. "I don't think I deserve any of this. I don't deserve you or your family or 1-A. Or anyone to be honest. Much less my family. Which is all of you at this point but... Anyway, my point is I don't think I'm worth it." I nod off just after saying that. It makes me feel satisfied that I finally told somebody something.

Dadzawa POV

Problem Son's words shock me. I cry at the pain my child felt and how he felt this way. What happened to him?

I guess we'll talk about it in the morning or whenever he gets better. You will be shown that you do deserve everything. I promise.

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