36T (Hero Fights)

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Credit to the artist!

Third POV

The hero community keeps many things within itself. One such thing is the rumors of a kid with a notebook that shows up at many fights between heroes and other people. The kid is said to have green hair and eyes. Many in the community wonder if he has a safe home due to the injuries he seems to show each time.

One afternoon, Midoriya is heading home after school, knowing of no likely heroes near that afternoon. He decides to take the long way home, away from people.

One afternoon, Eraserhead starts his patrol early, being forced to by Nezu who does not understand his "lack of self-preservation" and thinks that starting earlier will make it end early. He runs across the rooftops, soon enough spotting a mugging.

Midoriya comes across the scene, shocked at the sight of a man with floating hair and striking red eyes fighting a mugger. The fight is quick. At least, it seems like it is. Midoriya's eyes are drawn to the mugger for some reason. As he looks them over, he figures out why.

"Eraser! Their elbows can be used as knives. Please be careful." The hero's attention is caught on the boy standing at the edge of the alley. Eraserhead drops his quirk. He looks frantic, pointing towards the mugger repeatedly. Shaking it off and planning to talk to the boy about his behavior once he is done, he turns back to see the previously tied-up mugger now standing.

The mugger sneers. "You should have listened to the kid, Erase-er-head," the mugger taunts. Eraserhead uses his quirk, expecting the knives to go away. He hides his shock and adjusts to the new fight.

"Their quirk is technically a mutant type," Eraserhead vaguely hears a voice going in the background as Midoriya speaks.

The fight ends quickly, with Midoriya watching the rest in awe and writing down notes in his notebook. The victim left quite a bit ago, having been told to call the cops. They arrive just after the mugger is apprehended for the second time. Eraserhead talks with the police, lightly holding onto Midoriya's arm to silently keep him there.

"Kid, you need to go home." Midoriya looks up as Eraserhead speaks. "I'll even walk you home." Eraserhead stares at the boy, concluding that they must be the one a bunch in the hero community knows of.

"You shouldn't do that again, understand?" The man starts with. "It is dangerous."

"Yes, Mister Eraserhead!" Said hero is almost certain the kid will not do as he says. A silence falls between them, not entirely comfortable or not so.

"Whatever. How did you figure out their quirk?" Midoriya looks up, almost happily.

"Well, they didn't seem to be affected by your quirk that much, leading me to believe their quirk was weaker, they were quirkless, or they had a mutant type quirk. Because they didn't seem too concerned with the predicament, I assumed it was a mutant type. Their blades confirmed that. Their arms were adjusted to fit the blades in them without harm. It kind of makes the blades a part of them. After watching the arms, I figured it out." The eraser hero hums, seemingly getting the explanation.

"Wait!" Midoriya calls out when they reach his home and Eraserhead turns to leave. "Will you please sign this for me?" Midoriya holds out Eraserhead's page in his notebook. Midoriya ends the day with another signature for his collection.

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