76BA (Are You Ready Yet?)

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Credit to the artist (s)! (Unknown)

Third POV

"Dad! Dad! Wake up!" Midoriya jumps on his dad's bed after not getting a response.

"What do you want, you little gremlin?" Midoriya grins.

"We have to get ready for school today! It is Family Day and I really want to see my classmates' reactions when you do a competition with me!"

"Ugh. Give me five more minutes. Then I will get up."

"Okay! But we have to get there before Iida and it is already seven." This information registers in Aizawa's mind, so he gets up, not without complaint, though.

"Are you ready yet?" Midoriya asks ten minutes later. The boy is already dressed in a casual outfit that will be okay to get dirty. He even somewhat managed to brush his hair.

"No. I have not even had a jelly pouch yet." Aizawa stops and stares at the suspiciously blank spot in the fridge. "Where are the jelly pouches?" Midoriya is faced with a glare. He rubs the back of his neck.

"I wanted you to have some real food today, so I hid them."

"I am getting you back for this."

"I know. Please just eat before we go. The food I left for you is in the microwave." Aizawa slowly shifts to get the food. Midoriya is practically bouncing to the ceiling.

"Do you think the students will show off their quirks? I would love to see them! Which competitions are we entering and which ones are we watching? Should we just enter the last competition to make it even more of a shock? What if we only entered the very first and last competitions to make people even more confused?"

"Slow down. Yes, people will probably be able to show off their quirks. I do not care which competitions we enter, as long as too much information about myself is not given. Also, for safety purposes, I will not be entering any competitions that will make me seem soft. I would tell you to pack one of your notebooks, but, since you can pull them from your own dimension, I figure it does not matter. I would appreciate it if you would pack sunscreen and food, though."

"Already packed!" Midoriya holds up a bag. "I have sunscreen, snacks, jelly pouches, and even an extra notebook!" Aizawa gives him a weird look.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Umm, you do not want to know?" With the glare Midoriya is given, he changes his answer. "Five hours?"

"Go back to sleep." Midoriya squeaks.

"What about Family Day? And we still have to get there early too. I don't want to miss it."

"Go to sleep. I will carry you to UA, and I will wake you up before any of the events start. If you want to enter a certain competition, tell me now so I can make arrangements."

"Fine." And so, Midoriya got some sleep before school, on one of the best days of his life. (They won the cross-dressing competition, the first one, the baking competition, which surprised many people, and the analysis/stealth competition, which surprised absolutely no one.)

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