19H (Die Young)

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Credit to the artist!

Dadzawa POV

I am shocked when I see Problem Child standing outside on the roof. I immediately freak, fearing I won't get there in time. I see him sit on the ledge and my body starts to move faster than I ever realized was possible. I feel relieved when I notice he doesn't jump.

For once, I just want a calm night. Tonight was going to be that night. It was going well, nothing extreme happened and I even caught a villain. I handed them over to the cops as soon as possible and left, telling them to give the credit to All Might. I can say with certainty that I was not expecting this sight. Truly, though, I should have known something was up with the kid since day one.

I pull the child away from the edge the second I reach him. He is startled. I frown. He is usually more observant than this. He must have been thinking. I hope it wasn't about jumping. He smiles at me when I set him down. Does he not notice what is wrong with this situation? I force myself from these thoughts, stone-faced, and pray he knows why I pulled him away and that he wasn't going to.

"Hi Aizawa-sensei," Problem Child says as if it were any occurrence of us meeting. He pulls a little further away from me. We weren't that close to begin with. I look into his eyes, hoping they may hold answers. As per usual, they are just eyes. There is no flickering, no obvious emotions. It almost scares me. Even the most trained heroes sometimes have trouble keeping everything out of their face like that. It is just making me worry even more. I plop my kid onto me when he seems to become more comfortable around me again.

"Why were you standing there? Why are you here?" I barely keep my voice from shaking, not wanting to share my fear. The poor child seems surprised by the question. At least he can't hide all of his emotions without effort.

"I like to come up here to think. It calms me, looking over the edge and seeing the functions surrounding me. From the birds in the trees to the people wandering around, it is a peaceful sight most nights." He does this every night. This does not sound safe.

"How long have you been doing this for?" I ask, praying it only started recently. There are more issues than I know if it started before that. Maybe Bakugou will have answers. They used to go to the same middle school. That may allow for some clarification, but I would rather it come from the child in front of me, to be honest.

"I started coming up here in middle school more and more often. I've been coming less now. All of UA's restrictions make it hard." My eyes widen as I remember something. A few years ago, I came across a boy standing on the ledge. Thinking back, he looked a lot like Problem Child, although with less happiness. I managed to talk him down from jumping. But that kid said he was quirkless. That doesn't make sense. Problem Child has a quirk. There is practically no chance of him developing a quirk on his own if he got formally diagnosed as quirkless. It would explain why he had so many issues towards the beginning of the school year, though. Actually, it makes perfect sense. Besides how he got the quirk, everything points to him getting his quirk possibly months before his arrival at UA. But that means he would not have known how to control his quirk. That's why he got into so many accidents. We got onto him about quirk control so much. If he just got it, then he is doing really well. My eyes narrow. This new idea would explain so much.

"Hey, Midoriya?" He hums over to me as a response. "Are you the kid I stopped all those years ago?" His eyes flash with recognition.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. You can call me Izuku by the way. Everyone calls me some variant of it for the most part." I crack. All those years ago, so sad. About to die. About to kill himself. No one should have to live through anything that leads to that. Sadly, he did. I am glad he is here now. I am glad I stopped as many people as I did. Looking at Izuku reminds me of that. I start to shake when I realize I could have lost him. If I wasn't there, just a few minutes of the track I was on, he would be gone. He wouldn't be here anymore to love as my child.

"We all love you. I hope you don't consider leaving us." The boy looks towards me. Finally. I see tears running down his cheeks with a constricting bright smile lighting up his face. He nods and hugs me tight. I hug back, just as tight. After a few minutes, he is asleep. I smile softly. I pick him up to bring him back to my place. We can unpack the rest of his trauma later. For now, I am just glad he is alive and relatively safe.

I lay him down gently on the guest bedroom's bed. I tuck him in and go to my room.

I wake up in the morning hearing a noise, followed by some worried muttering. I drag myself out of bed to find the green child attempting to leave. He almost knocked something over on the way out. He grabs the doorknob, still not seeing me. I walk behind him and grab the doorknob. Too tired to exchange words, likely which would be an argument for him to stay, I decide to just grab the kid and bring him back into a bed, my bed this time, and use him as an object to cuddle so he can't object. Today is a Saturday anyways.

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