52 (Halloween- Short Special)

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Credit to the artist! (Website said Loi on Twitter!)

Third POV

Midoriya wakes up confused. There are no sounds around. It is dark in his room, as well as cold. He shrugs it off, used to the oddities of being one of the first people up each day.

He gets ready for the day and heads downstairs into the kitchen, wanting to get something to eat. He grabs a banana and nearly screams in shock when he turns around to head out and sees his devious teacher with wings, almost like butterfly wings.

Looking past his teacher, he can see his classmates and a lot of the staff also with outfits that match their personalities. He almost sighs in relief. This is obviously some elaborate prank.

He screams when he feels two extra things connected to his head. He pulls on them only to find it hurt. He looks around for an explanation, only to be met with ominous grins.


He gets ready for the day and heads downstairs into the kitchen, wanting to get something to eat. He grabs a banana and nearly screams in shock when he turns around to head out and sees his devious teacher with wings, almost like butterfly wings.

"You finally graduated from being a caterpillar!" Midoriya practically shouts at his teacher. His response gets a variety of reactions, featuring laughs from his classmates.

"Those are so cool! Did Hatsume's sensei make these for you? Did she make them? Are they functional? They would be so good for heroics if they were functional! Do you mind if I look at them?" Midoriya grins in delight as he is handed the wings with a sigh from his teacher.

A/N: Please do not be expecting a lot of holiday specials. I wrote this one because I got the inspiration for it, and Halloween was near. Thank you for reading! <3

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