100BZ (A Day Trip)

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*This story has no plot. I am sorry.

One commonly known fact of class 1A: You do not ask why Midoriya lives with Aizawa-sensei. A less commonly known fact, known by exactly one member of class 1A: Midoriya is going on a day trip with said teacher on Sunday.

The week has been a stressful one for Aizawa and Midoriya especially. Both of them had to deal with villain attacks and grades. Midoriya was stressed trying to prepare for an analyst exam he had on Friday for a class he was taking outside of UA. Aizawa was stressed about the other tests and grades his students had, having to hold multiple tutoring sessions. All in all, not a great week.

Aizawa began planning the Sunday trip on Tuesday after way too much happened on Monday. Midoriya was told about it on Wednesday so he could be prepared. The rest of the class would not know until Monday after Aizawa and Midoriya were gone for an entire day. They would wonder, but they knew Midoriya was likely fine. (They would not find out Aizawa was gone until Monday.)

On Sunday morning, Aizawa and Midoriya feel like zombies even though it is already 8:00 AM. Luckily, Aizawa planned for this and takes them to a cafe after they both are ready. The cafe is small, but it was comfortable and popular. Aizawa orders for Midoriya after Midoriya asked him to. They both get a cookies and cream cat cupcake with coffee.

"Thank you for today," Midoriya mumbles to Aizawa, too tired to form proper words.

"It is no problem, Problem Child." They both sit quietly for a few minutes before they get their food and drinks. They thank their server.

The cupcakes taste fantastic. The fluffy texture leads to Midoriya giving it a little grin before he even bites it. It smells like freshly baked cookies, somehow. Midoriya devours his, leading to Aizawa giving Midoriya the rest of his, not wanting that much sweetness anyway. Aizawa sips on his coffee, watching his kid become way too energized from some sugar and caffeine. He regrets nothing.

"Are you ready to go?" Aizawa eventually asks with a teasing smirk when Midoriya has finished scarfing down the food and coffee.

"Yes." Midoriya bobs his head up and down as he gives his answer.

They head to the arcade next. Midoriya follows Aizawa around like a lost puppy, having never been to an arcade before. They do claw machines and dancing games, as well as racing games and knock the item down games. Of course, these are only a few of the games they do. They leave the arcade at ten-thirty. They spend twenty minutes walking to a nearby restaurant that both of them love.

The restaurant does not have many customers at the moment, given the time. They are greeted as they normally are, and Midoriya looks at the number of calories a breadstick has at that restaurant, having accidentally found the number on his menu. There are 140 calories per breadstick, and they are given two per person.

"Twenty calories down," Midoriya states as he takes a bite of one.

"What?" Midoriya cackles at his dad's reaction.

"Each breadstick has 140 calories." After he takes another bite, he speaks again. "40 calories down." Aizawa stares at Midoriya, not knowing what is going through the kid's brain.

After that riveting lunch, they head to a park so they can just wander around or sit down and look at nature while talking to each other. Of course, they end up doing little talking as Midoriya starts a game of tag. They end up sitting down for ten minutes before heading to the next place.

When they get to the aquarium, Midoriya decides to spend half of the time they are there just staring at the stingrays (sometimes known as manta rays). Aizawa takes many pictures, especially when one takes to following his son around.

Aizawa prefers the sharks, but he does not care to hang out with them as Midoriya did with the stingrays. They move on pretty quickly. When they reach the end, Midoriya buys Aizawa a shark plushie while Aizawa buys Midoriya a stingray one. They laugh as they present the gifts to each other.

After the aquarium, Aizawa takes Midoriya to the hero store where Midoriya gets a bunch of merchandise of his teachers, even managing to find a few of Aizawa in the underground section. The Eraserhead stuff consisted of a scarf, goggles, and a hoodie with a slight capture weapon and goggles design on it.

At the next store they go to, the craft store, Midoriya gets a bunch of items for his notebooks, and he gets some long papers so he can make his own posters. Aizawa also manages to find some items in the craft store. He finds a cat calendar, good pens, and an adult coloring book.

The last place they go before heading home is the grocery store. Aizawa tells Midoriya to get what he wants, so Midoriya goes and buys Aizawa some more jelly packets as well as items to bake their favorite treats. Meanwhile, Aizawa grabs items to make dinner that night, not wanting them to eat out again.

Midoriya puts all of his and Aizawa's stuff up while Aizawa makes dinner. When he finishes, he starts planning a design for a poster he wants to make. He ends up with Eraserhead flinging himself through the streets while the sun is falling. He is not able to start on the poster before dinner is finished, however.

Aizawa has the table set up and food on plates when Midoriya gets to the dining room.

"This looks amazing. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Aizawa speaks again a bit later, "How were your exams?" Midoriya glares at him.

"I don't know. You know how I did on one of them, though, so why don't you tell me?"

"I cannot show favoritism. Now, if I happened to just see you and tell you you did good, that would be acceptable." Aizawa continues to look at Midoriya. Aizawa makes an exaggerated face. "Oh, hey, Midoriya. You did great on your test on Friday." Midoriya giggles.

"Thank you. I have no clue how my other exam went. I should get my results tomorrow, though, so I will find out soon." Aizawa nods. Their conversation goes on until they finish eating. They clean up the area and then watch a movie together, soon falling asleep.

**Thank you all so much for reading these stories! I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing (some) of them! This has been a journey, and I am very grateful toward each and every one of you. You are the reason I kept on writing, even when I would hit a writer's block. It almost hurts me to end this series, and I will likely be crying as I post this final story. Please let me know which stories are your favorite! Have a wonderful life and may our reading/writing lives meet again! (Maybe even our real-life ones, who knows.) 

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