92BR (Bed Rest)

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Midoriya got kidnapped. To be fair to him, he did tell Principal Nedzu, but the principal just smiled and told him to get to class. Midoriya just shrugged and continued to class.

Later, Principal Nedzu called both him and Aizawa-sensei to his office. When Midoriya's teacher looked at him, he just made a motion of 'I don't know either'. His friends gave him looks, but he made the same motion for them.

When they arrived at his office, Principal Nedzu was sitting calmly, tea already sitting at the table where each person would sit. Aizawa frowned at the closeness of the cups. Nedzu usually separated his guests more. This must be some news.

"Greetings, Aizawa, Midoriya. I hope both of you have had a good day. I am here to discuss Midoriya's absence yesterday. It has come to my knowledge that Midoriya had been kidnapped by some unknown criminals, but he escaped after the fifth hour of being held, just before lunch would have been for the UA students. I have also found out he made up all of the work he missed and then took the rest of the day off to relax. Of course, I believe this would be the best course of action, and Recovery Girl and I have agreed he needs at least one more day off. Would you both like to share your thoughts?" Principal Nedzu largely was addressing Aizawa throughout the speech, but Midoriya was glad he still got to share his ideas.

"I already went to school today, and I feel like it would be...," Midoriya searched for the right word but was unable to find it, "Odd to make me take tomorrow off of school after I already came to school today." Midoriya felt going to school tomorrow would make the most sense since he had already been back for a full school day.

"I disagree with Midoriya. I believe the assessment you two made earlier would make the most sense, but I also understand that someone would have to watch him to make sure he actually relaxed and processed his emotions. As a result, if he agrees to take two days of bed rest or room rest and to get checked out by Recovery Girl for injuries, I will watch over him for those two days. Otherwise, I would recommend he return home for a week minimum."

See, the thing is Midoriya knew he would not have a choice in the matter. Aizawa-sensei made that much clear as soon as he started talking about an alternative arrangement. Midoriya turned to Principal Nedzu as he cleared his throat.

"Well, then. I believe those options are well thought out and provide the best care for Midoriya's mental health. Midoriya? Which option would you like to take?"

"Can I get checked out by Recovery Girl and then stay in my room except to get food and to go on my morning run by myself?" Aizawa spoke before Nedzu could think to.

"No. Your well-being is not something I will negotiate over. If everything goes well with the check-up, you can go on your morning run under my supervision. If things do not check out well, we can go on a walk together in the morning and afternoon. I would also like to have you stay in my apartment for the time being to make sure I can watch over you in a bigger and more comfortable environment." Midoriya sighed.

"If Nedzu goes along, I agree with those terms." The principal nodded his head and said he hoped Midoriya enjoyed his break.

Funny story, actually, Midoriya did get hurt. His side was cut and so were his knees. They were cut pretty bad, actually. "So... before we get to Recovery Girl can I just admit I got cut? Some are on my side and the others are on and around both of my knees." Aizawa just sighed.

"Come on. I won't make you get checked out by Recovery Girl, but we still need to get supplies for the injuries as well as pain medicine."

"Okay, thank you, sir." Aizawa hid a smile. He also promised vengeance on the people who kidnapped him, but it is all about the wholesome stuff, right?

That was a fun two days. Midoriya solved two of Aizawa's problems (cases), and Aizawa shared some stories about his life. They both learned more about each other's skills and hobbies. It got to the point where Aizawa straight up asked Midoriya to make sure he did not want to become an underground hero. Midoriya clarified that he was becoming a limelight hero to inspire people, but he also planned on helping with some underground work like Present Mic did.

Midoriya was unsurprisingly put on bed rest for that first day. Injuries like the ones he had were not good for walking, and he was not getting enough sleep anyway.

It was a good time. It led to a closer mentor-mentee relationship between the two.

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