59AM (So, Is It Morning?)

400 17 7

Credit to the artist! (Pinterest says by Rihards Donskis)

Sonzuku POV

I wake up to frantic knocks on my door. Hurriedly, I rushed to open it. There stood Aizawa-sensei. He saw me and pulled me close.

I would probably be shocked at this, but I know he has checked on some of my other classmates after a particularly bad nightmare. We all agreed to never mention it unless he initiates the conversation. With how much trouble I get into, I am surprised this did not happen to me sooner.

He pulled away not long after, checking me over. "Name?"

"Izuku Midoriya. Hero name Deku." He nods, eyes loosening up.

"Age? Height?" I blush bright red.

"Sixteen years old. I'd rather not answer the other question." His eyes narrow at me. I worry I said something wrong. "Do I really need to say it?" After inhaling softly, he shakes his head no.

"I apologize for waking you up. If you need more sleep, you are free to be late to homeroom in the morning." He looks over me once more before nodding to himself, posture relaxing.

"No, you are good. I should be there on time for homeroom anyway. Quick question though. What time is it?" He looks around, clearly not finding what he is looking for.

"I do not know, Problem Child. Why do you not have a visible clock in your room?" Oh. Right. He must not have anything on him to tell the time either.

"I have an alarm set on my phone. I removed the other clocks from my room so I would not be able to wake up in the middle of the night and worry about the time. I read it somewhere and figured I should try it. It usually helps me go back to sleep or stay tired." He nods once more and moves toward my phone. He pauses when he sees the screen.

"So, is it morning?" I ask, hoping to get a response. Instead, I get a "logical ruse" grin that sends shivers down my spine.

"Why do you have pictures of my cats as your home screen? Where did you get them from?" Welp. There goes my life.

Nervously, I blurt out, "So, is it morning?" again and then begin running.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant