16G (Class 1-A Cont'd)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

When all of the class arrives and the stares start to dwindle, I have to introduce myself. I stand up from my seat and sigh. "Hello. My name is Izuku Midoriya. You may all call me Izuku or Midoriya as you please. Kacchan, Katsuki as you know him, is a childhood friend of mine. I am transferring here from the general education classes. Please ignore me if I start to do things unconventionally or doing things no one else does. If you question if my behavior is appropriate for the course, please feel free to ask Aizawa-sensei and Principal Nezu. You may also tell me their responses if you wish. Thank you all for listening." I sit down from where I was standing. Quickly I tap Kacchan. "Can I get rid of the purple thing?"

My voice must end up getting further than I thought because Kacchan, Tokoyami, Jirou, and Sero all respond "Yes!" as the bean thing yells "No!" Everyone looks in our direction, confused. I shrug. May as well respond to their wishes accordingly.

"Aizawa-sensei, may I bring the purple thing to Principal Nezu and come back with a different purple child?" The teacher just nods. I can see the forced frown preventing him from letting loose his smile. Ignoring Bean's protests, I drag him down the hall, to Principal Nezu. "Can you please get rid of it?" I only leave once I see my uncle's evil smile.

I knock twice on a vaguely familiar door. "I'm stealing Shin!" I yell as I enter, not waiting for a response before grabbing Shinsou and bringing him to class 1-A. "Welcome to Jurassic World."

Inside, Iida is still malfunctioning about teachers and etiquette and unanswered questions. Kacchan throws chairs at people until he sees me. Uraraka floats the chairs so they won't hurt the people. Asui is cheering Kacchan on while Kirishima says he is "not manly while throwing chairs at people". In its entirety, the situation is a mess.

I pull Shin in before he can run away from the sight. I put him in the grape's old seat, the one behind me. When we are leaving the class for lunch, I hear Dadzawa, Aizawa-sensei, I mean, mutter, "He must like Problem Son more than I thought if he is willing to let him get rid of the creature so easily. Too bad for him; he's mine."

I smile. Shin grins as well. I wonder if Shin knows the other him Da-Aizawa-sensei was talking about. Of course, I know it was Nezu, but does he? Not my issue. I shrug.

It's when we get back from lunch, fifteen minutes into class, that my warning signal goes off. I groan at all of the stares, but I pull out my computer anyways and quickly begin typing. The information shown seems normal at first, but then I notice what was flagged. A small line that said a location that was never mentioned in any other interviews. Details never previously stated. The reporter here is our culprit, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that the man is in critical condition from the reporter's statements. I have to trust those after deducing that the reporter is the perpetrator. My computer gets slammed down. I glare. Now I have to go to the man. I am the only one that can get there fast enough with my only form of communication being cut off. I drown out Iida's said thoughts of me as I stand up. I grab Dad and Shin. Shin's quirk will be useful for getting the reporter to admit it. Dad is useful for many reasons relating to his profession and quirk.

I whisper a quick something to Kacchan before leaving. "Take care of them. Make sure they don't follow." With that, I leave.

I bring us to the place where the man is first. Shin calls for an emergency while Dad and I run into it. I watch closely for traps, figuring there aren't any after reading about the reporter. There is no way. That person did not seem smart enough for traps. They believed there was no way for anyone to find this man at all. That is very stupid. Who gives away the location and time they plan on killing someone without the expectation of being caught.

We find the man in a small room. He is hooked up to a machine that I detach him from. I begin grabbing bandages I got from nowhere and apply them to his wounds.

While the authority arrives, I ask Dad to go with Shin to make sure he is okay and is okay to get the reporter. Dad nods, f=seemingly finally understanding why I brought Shin here. I groan and gag a bit when I realize my actions might be considered heroic. That's no fun. I much prefer to be in the shadows, considered neither an enemy nor a friend. This world is so full of fakeness, I don't want to accidentally add to it in any possible way.

I grin when I see the man getting arrested and Shin getting thanked. My smile grows brighter when I see Dad talking to reporters, giving no comments and "Grebun did it, not me"s only. I am glad. Now, I won't need to be questioned. Just as long as no one sees me. The only issue is the questions that are no doubt going to come from our classmates.

True to my thoughts, I see a bunch of classmates still at school when we get back. I only needed to go back for my bags. Why didn't I just ask Kacchan to get those for me?

Dad and Shin follow me into the room. "What just happened, and why is that permitted?" Surprisingly, Kami is the one to ask me this. I grin. Then, I grin evilly and turn to Shin.

"Who knew your secret, electrifying boyfriend would be the one to ask the important questions?" Shin turns bright red at my words, causing Dad confusion. Papa and Uncle are in the room as well. Uncle decides to tell them that everything they hear is confidential and if anything leaves the room, they will immediately be expelled and lose all chances of being a hero.

"So... I'm Grebun," are the only words I can get out before I hear another warning sound coming from the forgotten laptop. I frown. I just wanted a calm day. I still move, though, knowing someone is in danger and I can help them. I ignore the questions coming my way from everyone excluding Uncle. Even Dad, Shin, and Papa seem confused. This time, I can get others to arrive at the scene soon enough. I pull up footage of the closest reporters to make sure. They are already talking about pros and police on the scene. That's good.

I seem to have forgotten everyone is here, I realize when I look up again and notice everyone staring, shocked, at the screen. I practically run when I notice that no one will be stopping me from leaving the room. No one does. I leave in relative peace until the next day when I am bombarded with questions.

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