49AE (Bias)

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Credit to the artist!

Dadzawa POV

It took about a month of watching for me to catch on. Midoriya Izuku, a student I used to consider problematic and naive, shows way too many signs that I should have picked up on. I didn't even notice until my coworker, and somewhat friend told me.

Yamada got close to the child, irritating me at the time. He would look up and greet me like usual, bringing in the kid to talk about something in the teachers' lounge. The kid would look up after his English teacher did and wave with a small and still just as bright smile. It took me until I was told to figure out how much of even those little interactions were filled with hesitance.

I talked to Nezu. He agreed to make all of the staff, including himself, go through a class on the signs of mental issues within children, including, but not limited to, abuse or neglect.

Midoriya still flinches at noises too loud and explosions. He can't handle people moving too fast and can barely do social interaction. Everything about him screams innocent when it comes to humans, except for when it comes to horrific things. He does not know what is normal for people to do to each other, so he has been watching and listening and adjusting and adapting to figure it out.

All Might flinched hard the first time he was told that Midoriya's childhood was filled with abuse and neglect from his peers and teachers. He seemed guilty. He later informs me of why. It makes everything hit harder. Everything I said to him.

I wouldn't change the past for a thing, though, not when I get greeted each morning with a "Good morning, Sensei," that is filled with nothing but excitement. Not when all of the students seem more relaxed and content in the classroom.

I still look back sometimes and wonder how Midoriya, or any of the kids, can trust me now. It hurts to think about all of the things that would have been solved if I just gained their trust. All of the nightmares and panic attacks that were kept hidden from me. They could have healed. I failed them all, but they still are here. It would only be logical if they left, and yet, I see them each day.

Each one of my kids are brilliant and amazing and I would not change that for the world. (Well, most of them, anyway.)

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now