41W (Flippin Fight Me)

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Credit to the artist!

Midoriya POV

Seriously, no. How does this, after what we have been through, shock them? Really? It is just a kid who doesn't like heroes. There are plenty of those out there. My classmates are idiots sometimes. Also, why wouldn't we expect to be dropped like that? It is kind of logical considering we have to be prepared as heroes. What, are we supposed to stand around all day and let the villains tell us everything so we won't be surprised? Like, unless I'm kidnapped, no thanks. I'd rather just stab them and then face the nasty surprises later. Now that I think about it, heroes are dumb.

Third POV

Kota, hearing all of the rambles, thinks the kid is weird, but he likes him for it since he also seems to share his dislike of heroes, or, at least, their ways. Aizawa-sensei, as it took Midoriya weeks to call the man, seems to be in some state of shock as well, but not one nearly as bad as the other heroes. Even Vlad looks somewhat shocked. 1A isn't bothered by the bits they managed to pick up on, but the same cannot be said for 1B. Monoma even is at a loss for words.

Midoriya knows he was mumbling, but he still cannot understand why he now has a child attached to his hip. It doesn't matter, as he finds out, because his teacher does not leave him alone with said child. Midoriya thinks it is out of worry for the child, which is understandable, and he is worried about a child, but it is not Kota he is worried about. He is worried about his Problem Child who fate really seems to want to make a hero. The man does not know why it won't give his kid a break. He is already on the path to be a hero; what else does it want from him? From his understanding, his child even has the perfect backstory, which kind of sucks.

When Midoriya is led to Kota's hideout, he knows his teacher is following behind. He doesn't say anything though, knowing it is safer for Kota, especially with the trouble he specifically seems to always run into. He isn't naive enough to believe it happens to everyone.

When the villains attack, Aizawa-sensei is well aware that his student is with Kota at his hideout area. He is a little bit busy, though, so he prays the child can, at the very least, hold out until help arrives.

Midoriya stares down the muscled man with an unamused face. "Really? Fate has sent me much worse than you." It is true. He has had to face a pro wrestler as a villain before he ended up at UA.

"What did you say, Brat?" Midoriya raises an eyebrow. Slowly, showing his arms, he moves forwards, knowing his invention would capture the man in a net long enough to confuse him so he could grab Kota and run.

Snap. With that, Midoriya grabs Kota and runs, ignoring the yells behind him. His childhood "friend" apparently got kidnapped, but honestly, not his problem quite yet.

A few months later, Midoriya has both Eri and Kota playing in his line of sight. "Hey, Bunny (Izuku). How are you and Cub(Eri)?" A warm, scruffy voice asks him.

"We're good. When are you and Kitten(Hitoshi->Shinso) getting here?"

"We'll be there in a few. Hizashi is also coming. You know he loves to see you all play." Izuku smiles at the statement. They aren't the youngest of kids anymore, but he knows their parents love those moments when they act as young as they are. He smiles at his mom who is sitting to the side. She laughs, knowing who he was talking to. She knows, especially with the dorms, that she might as well be sharing custody of her kid. With that in mind, she has practically adopted two more, so who cares. Certainly not the mini family. Kota is like an honorary addition, or a cousin of sorts. The other children, the three, got more aunts, so they were all happy with the arrangement.

Soon, Izuku feels a slight pressure on his head, along with arms wrapping around him. A voice makes Izuku laugh as it disturbs the slight piece. "Stay there! I need a picture!" a familiar bird shouts.

"Oh, send it to me please!" Izuku's mom calls. He sends her a mock glare at the betrayal. The environment shines with happiness and fondness from all angles. Hitoshi, Kat, Izuku and Eri call him, walks in front of the duo.

"This is gold. Dad, you should place the ears on him to really enhance the picture." Izuku's mock glare comes back. He pouts at his dad when he feels the pressure of the ears on his head. Now, he wears bunny ears, matching the rest of the family with the ears. His mom has similar bunny ones while his dad has black cat ones. Hitoshi is wearing purple cat ears. Hizashi has fake bird wings on, Eri has white bear cub ears, and Kota wears black wings.

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