29O (Caterpillar and Bear-ish Dads)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

My dads are the best. They helped me.

I was in the corridor when two people I didn't know approached me. I could tell they were older than me. I had only met Pops twice before at that point. I had no idea how much he was watching the students. Almost like a stalker, he would watch my odd behaviors, and, as I am told, became protective over me. Dadzawa was more fond of me than my classmates, even back then, and would watch me more. I thought it was just because of the amount of trouble I seemed to attract at first.

"Freak!" The girl walked closer to me. I moved backward, afraid she was going to hit me like other people used to. The guy next to her laughed, taking my attention.

"She's right. Who could ever want something like you? You are way too problematic. No one wants to deal with someone who will get hurt just to accomplish something meaningless. Your hero name makes so much sense." I flinched at some of those words, memories arising from a time that didn't feel so long ago. Kacchan and I had long worked past that point, but the memories remained, especially in the first year.

When they had me cornered, I was barely able to see. I could barely breathe at the time. The way they did that reminded me too much of something else. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in Recovery Girl's room, faced with three very worried adults. Pops was poking me, like that would speed up my recovery. Dadzawa was just watching me, lines on his face revealing his emotions. Recovery Girl jumped up when she saw me look at her. She smiled reassuringly and left the room, leaving me with my present dads.

Neither of them left me for hours, even after I was cleared to return to class. Pops took me to his office instead and explained his interest in me when it came to my learning. He just told me he was watching me as a form of making sure I was doing well. Dadzawa gave him a look but we all stayed in Pops' office anyway.

They worried for me.

I fell asleep in an open window after little sleep that night due to the rare nightmare. I was doing better after they recommended me to Hound Dog. It was during lunch, so I knew I would be woken up by the bell. Pops says he was walking down the hall when he said he saw a puff of green. He panicked and spent minutes trying to pull me down. I woke to him holding my arm to drag me to the ground. He didn't wake me up because he was worried I would roll the wrong way while I was disoriented from sleeping.

Later, Pops told me to tell him, Dadzawa, Hound Dog, or Recovery Girl if I had a nightmare or did not get enough sleep in general. I agreed, hoping he would let me leave his office to go back to class, not wanting to worry Dadzawa or my classmates. After sensing my thoughts, he pulled out his phone and showed messages between him and Dadzawa stating where I was and why I was there. I was kind of confused as to why the principal was worried about me so much, but I decided to ignore it at the time, scared the answer would be something I did not like.

Pops kept me in that room for the rest of the day, scolding me about my behaviors of not stating when I am lacking in sleep. Then, he chewed me out for not eating while feeding me food. He had me stay in his office to try to get some sleep for the rest of the day. For some reason, there was already a couch there. I still haven't asked him about it.

A few weeks later I was playing hide and seek with my classmates during the weekend because no one had any plans and everyone was bored. To make it more fair and fun, people found had to help the seeker. It was tag hide and seek as well. This made it so everyone tried to split up from the others. Of course, some people were obvious and others unknowingly had someone tracking them while they were hiding. I decided to go into a tree since my hair matches.

Dadzawa was walking around campus with some of my classmates after I had been in the tree for what I was assuming to be over thirty minutes. They were all, besides Dadzawa, calling something out. I couldn't hear them until they got closer.

"Midoriya, you can come out now! We couldn't find you!" I figured they must have been worried that something happened to me while we were playing. I moved out of my spot behind the leaves, showing my face. Dadzawa was the only one who saw me at first. I was about to call out when I saw Dadzawa jogging up to the tree.

"Stay still!" I shrug and do as he says. Todoroki was the only one who saw me. He relaxed when he did and told the others from what I guessed. He did point at my general location. The others looked at the tree; I couldn't see their eyes. I could tell when Kaminari saw me, though, because he let out a loud shriek.

I was wrapped in a soft material and pulled down, somehow gently, and found myself on the grass. Dadzawa gave me a lecture about being careful and making sure that if I am going to hide, to make sure it is in an assuredly safe place.

We had fun.

Pops stole me and Dadzawa from our classroom one day about two months ago. He took both of us to his room and sat us down around a circular table. We talked about a variety of topics. I was much more familiar with both of them by then, as were they with me, so there was a lot of teasing involved as well.

About thirty minutes after we were taken, Pops got each of us a cup of tea. We had that while we talked along with some snack food. We have these days once a week, now. Our first time doing it certainly was confusing, though.

We went out after we finished our tea. We visited and talked at different parks. We went to a zoo and aquarium that day as well. The sun was, somehow, still up when we were walking back, so we stopped to get ice cream at a stand we ran into along the way.

I would never give them up for the world. They deserve much more than the world can provide. The world best be happy that UA brings Pops' happiness, as well as me and Dadzawa, and Dadzawa's family, Pops, Papa, Hitoshi, Eri, and I, brings him happiness, so I will be glad to just let the world leave them to be happy.

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