31Q (Backup Plan Language)

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Credit to the artist!

Third POV

It is a normal day in Eraserhead's class. Class 1-A is not paying attention to their teacher. Even Iida seems to be semi distracted by something. Instead of glaring at them or stopping the lesson until they notice, he decides to just ask them a question.

Dadzawa POV

None of them are even pretending. The only one who might pass as paying attention is Midoriya. He writes furiously in that notebook every day, but it does not seem to be affected by what is being said considering he writes just as fast if I slow down to say two words every ten seconds. Even the class presidents are not paying attention. Iida is staring ahead but is so obviously zoned out. At the very least, I need to give them a lesson on acting after this.

I sigh and continue lecturing about media presence in the life of both limelight and underground heroes. It is important for both groups. Underground heroes need to know how to remove themselves from the media and limelight heroes need to know how to best act around the media in many different types of situations.

"Alright, since no one is listening," I quietly let out before continuing, "How can heroes best avoid the media?" The question is asked in English, just to see if anyone notices. No one says anything, but that doesn't stop the surprise that comes my way when Midoriya raises his hand.


"It depends on the type of hero." A large portion of the class is startled back into some sort of focus by the sound of their classmate talking. I hide a Cheshire Cat grin into my capture weapon. "For example. Underground heroes may just leave as quickly as possible while limelight heroes either have to deal with them or blend in without being recognized."

"And how would they do that?" I gain great amusement from watching the class panic at our conversation. They know they are missing something.

"Limelight heroes might remove some of the more noticeable details about themself. Hawks, for example, is commonly known to temporarily dye his or cover them up and put on a hat or wig to make a quick getaway if he needs it. Midnight-sensei will move into more casual clothing if she needs to make a getaway."

"And what about other types of heroes?" I ask, slightly intrigued and still gaining more and more amusement from the looks and signals the majority of the class is sharing.

"Rescue heroes and other heroes are usually able to get away as they please with little interactions with the media due to the general public being generally less interested in them. Although there are situations they may come across, they are usually left alone." I'm impressed. That is a lot of information coming from someone who I didn't believe to be paying attention to.

"Very good, please visit me after class. The rest of you will be receiving some extra training from All Might later today for not paying attention. Also, be expecting a quiz over this information within the next week."

Sonzuku POV

I hope I'm not in trouble. Was my rant too long? No, he had me continue. What does he want me for, then? I freak out as it gets closer to the end of the class period.

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei?" I ask after the remainder of my classmates have left.

"What language am I speaking in?" Why is he asking me that? It is clearly English.

"It's English, sir." He nods and moves closer to my seat. I breathe easier when he sits in Kacchan's seat.

"How much English do you know?" Oh, that is what this is about.

"I know a lot, I guess. I mean, I don't think I'm fluent; there are still a lot of words I don't know." He nods. I drum my fingers against my leg. I learned English back before I met All Might. I wanted to have some sort of backup plan just in case I didn't think I could make it in Japan. This led to me searching for the least discriminatory countries, leading me to find out that English is a lingua franca for a lot of countries, leading me to learn it so I have a few options.

"Do I have your permission to test how much English you know?" I nod. "Okay. If you know what I am saying, you cannot tell anyone, okay?" I nod once more. That's pressure. "Present Mic, Hizashi, and I are married and have been for two years. We have done a lot together. We are extremely close with Midnight, Nemuri." He hides his face from me, presumably from seeing my reaction. My hands itch for my notebook and pen to add some notes on him. "So, I don't know why you are currently taking English classes. You obviously know what I said."

"Wait," I call out as he moves away from me. "A secret for a secret?" My teacher turns around, clearly interested.

"You don't need to, Problem Child. That was just a test."

"I used this-my quirk for the first time the day of the entrance exam." He seems to be caught in what I'm about to say. Maybe he can help me anyway. "All Might gave it to me. Its name is One For All. He had been training me for months." The story continues from there, still in English so my classmates, at the very least, would have a hard time knowing what is being said.

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