93BS (You Know What? I'm done.)

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"It is very important for limelight heroes to show off themselves without actually revealing their opinions-" Aizawa got cut off in the middle of his sentence by villain alarms blaring. He decides then and there that enough is enough.

"You know what? I'm done." The class startles at the sudden sentence from their teacher as they sit there and wait for him to give them instructions about what to do about the alarm. "Limelight heroes have to 'fight' paid villains, who are at the most damaged after each fight, while limelight heroes can actually be killed by these 'villains." If you want to fight villains, go underground. Better yet, don't become a hero at all. The pay sucks and it is overall not worth it."

A new person enters the room. They seem to teleport in. Midoriya could already tell they are a jerk, a word he does not use lightly. Aizawa reveals a listening device. The hero commission makes all heroes keep it on them at all times. "You violated Clause 28 of Section 132. Hero name Eraserhead, you are now under arrest."

The class immediately riots. "You can't take him! He is a grouch, but he cares more for us than it is clear you and the rest of the hero commission does." They only somewhat calm down when Aizawa stops them, leading to Midoriya stepping forward.

"I quit. Like Aizawa-sensei, I am done. You are fired. Tell me who made that section, and you might not get arrested." Midoriya has a secret he has yet to tell anyone outside of his mother. It seems that secret would be getting out today.

"CP? You are a high schooler?"

"Yeah. Until this happened, it used to be one of the best kept secrets. Thanks for ruining that for me." Midoriya is the commission president. He has been working to keep people happy, but he did have restrictions.

Midoriya turns to the class. They all have some kind of comical expression on their face. He wants to laugh, but he knows he must be able to keep his composure, and this is good practice. "I'll get those programs shut down. I wasn't allowed to control anything hero related until I turned sixteen, so this is the first time I am finding out about this." Midoriya waits as Aizawa directs everyone out of the room. "Happy birthday to me, I guess."

Aizawa raises an eyebrow. "It is not on record that it is your birthday."

"No one could know my actual date of birth just in case they managed to figure out enough to connect it to me with that evidence." To be fair, Midoriya has never cared. It is just a day, after all.

Midoriya paces in his dorm, listening for a call to come in. Instead, someone knocks at his door.

He is met with the sight of Aizawa holding a box. "Happy birthday." Aizawa offers the box to him, so he takes it, not knowing what is happening.

"Thank you?"

"I know today has been a stressful day to you, so I got you a gift to celebrate your unknown birthday and as an appreciation gift." Midoriya makes an 'O' face and accepts the offered item.

"Thank you! No one besides my mom and her friends has ever gotten something for me before!" Aizawa smiles and then immediately threatens Midoriya to make sure Midoriya will not tell anyone he smiled. Midoriya laughs and agrees, thinking that maybe some things would stay the same.

He is at dinner when his classmates begin commenting on what happened earlier that day.

"That was so cool!" Midoriya grinned at Mina in response.

"Have you ever used your power like that before?" This question came from Koda, shockingly.

"How much power do you have?" Midoriya smirked at Todoroki.

"There is a reason the Aldera schools got shut down." Midoriya winked, sauntering off to go fix the issues his predecessors left for him. He will be back in about a week. Maybe he can get Aizawa a thank you gift for everything he has put up with and done for the class, as well as for the gift from earlier.

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