43Y (Smart)

557 19 9

Credit to the artist and creator!

Sonzuku POV

Years of experience have taught me to avoid doing too well on assignments. For my future, however, I couldn't do too bad. In place of that, I stayed around the national average grades, placing me in the top twenty-five percent in my class, but not good enough that the school could do anything about it to stop me, not if they wanted to keep their reputation good. If their quirkless student was doing the national average, that means the rest of the class is doing terribly to be doing worse than the quirkless student, but not bad enough that they could accuse me of cheating.

Being at UA is weird. I have to keep my place in the top twenty-five percent of the class, so they (Nezu or Aizawa-sensei) don't look into my past, while doing worse than some of the others, so they don't look into my past. I love my mentor, I do, but he can be as oblivious as the bottom of a lit candle sometimes. He isn't necessarily dumb, but he is certainly not the best when it comes to people smarts, funnily enough.

Aizawa-sensei warned us about a week ago that he was holding one-on-one conferences with us about us without our parents. He says it is for convenience, and I am sure it is to some extent, but I am also aware that it is because he cares. He doesn't want some people's parents to be there and overwhelm, overpower, or over voice us. It is nice, but it is certainly causing anxiety. The quiet students are nervous, and the louder students are just a bit quieter. I try to help those that I can. Aizawa-sensei is also doing his part to calm our nerves.

"Aoyama, please follow me when I am finished speaking. As you get called, please follow me. We will be having a discussion. This may take longer for some of you. This homeroom period will act as a study hall. Do not get into trouble. Do not get into fights. If you need something, please send a text message to me using my number from the group chat. This will last longer than homeroom. If you are doing something at the moment, wait for a good stopping point to come to my room. The teacher in charge at the time will be contacted with who I would like to talk to next. There will not be heroics class today. That period will be held here and will also act as another study hall, led by All Might."

The calling lasts until lunch, only pausing during lunch to continue again afterward. About halfway into the class after lunch, Bakugou is called. It is my turn next. No one has been there for more than thirty minutes. People would get called before someone returned. They would usually cross paths on the way to their destination. No one has seemed super negative about the experience. That's good. The longest someone has been held was Todoroki who was there right until the bell for lunch.

"Midoriya, Aizawa called you," All Might tells me. I stand up, not needing more prompting. A few of my friends turn my way to give me encouraging smiles; I give them smiles back.

I don't see Bakugou on the way, which is nice, if not a tad concerning. I knock on the office door. "Midoriya, please sit." My teacher opens the door for me.

"Thank you," comes my voice. He nods and sits across from me, at his desk.

"Midoriya, if I may be honest-" My eyes go to him. This does not sound good. "-your grades overall do not seem to reflect what I know about you." Here it comes. I feel myself tense up. "You miss questions on assignments that I have seen you explain, almost word for word to some students. You seem practically, if not actually, fluent in English and seem to show a basic understanding of some other languages. Nothing about it adds up. I tried to blame it on test anxiety and basic mistakes, but then you continued to be inconsistent with it all. I have brought up some concerns to some of your other teachers, and even Principal Nezu, but none of us could figure it out. The only thing we could come up with was that you are doing it on purpose." He pauses, seemingly searching my gaze for something. "I have a request for you. You may refuse or intentionally do as you please, but I am asking as a teacher who wants to help my students reach their fullest potential. I want you to take a specified test for me. I will have to lead you to the teacher's lounge to take it. It might take you until the end of the day."

"Umm, sure?" My voice comes out meek as a dandelion hiding in a field of sunflowers. He gives me a small, proud smile. I give a little one back.

I am led into the teacher's lounge where only a few teachers currently are. He leads me to his desk. "Take as much time as you need. If you need additional time, I will be in here at the end of the day, just let me know. Here is a pencil. You can look around as much as you would like. There is nothing in this room that has not been approved or used by Nezu to make this test."

I begin the test, starting by reading the questions. There are a few that I know right off the bat that I answer right away. There are a wide variety of subjects, from languages I have never even heard of before (those come with a language family as another clue) to unfamiliar languages, to familiar languages (Greek, French, and Haitian Creole- just for fun), to I know almost every word I know in Japanese in this language languages (English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and German). There is math, psychology, science, reading, analysis of literature, analysis of art, analysis of quirks, hypotheses, environments, and logic-based questions as well as other stuff. It is roughly two hundred questions.

Some of the answers I get by looking around the room or from a question I read further into the test, I answer those next. Then, I move onto the quicker problems, then the reading problems, and finally, the longer problems. I zone out bad at the beginning, not even noticing as the bell rings. I only know it did because Aizawa-sensei joins me shortly before I finish answering the questions. I pay attention only to make sure I am not harming his work by stealing his desk. He moves to the couch with his sleeping bag, presumably to nap, so I feel like it is safe to assume that he is not bothered or doesn't want me to be bothered by it.

I check all of the answers once before getting way too bored of looking at them and turning them in. It is my third time reading the questions after all. I turn it in, leaving Aizawa-sensei to take it from me. He seems mildly surprised, but he takes it without question. "You're done?" I nod. "The class is in math right now. Please ask Midnight for what you missed in Art." I nod again, doing as he says.

"Midoriya, I would like to see you again at lunch, please." I nod, hoping that it is about the results from yesterday. It was my first time taking a test like that. It was an experience.

"Here you go. Principal Nezu wants me to ask you if you would like to become his personal student. I would also be willing to provide you lessons during my and your free periods once a week. You will not be forced to attend any of your classes outside of heroics and gym, but you will need to be in a class or at the library or something if you choose to not attend your normal classes as you please. Nezu will work this out with you, whether you do or don't become his student."

"I would like that."

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang