73AX (Meeting the Little Listener)

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Credit to the artist(s)! (I could not figure out who the artist(s) was.)

Dadzashi POV

A young and obviously curious green-haired kid enters the room. They look around and then dead at me. I have to hide a laugh when they flush and avert their eyes. They only seem a little anxious. Not a lot at all. Never the type to mumble. Huh. I have not even met this kid officially and yet they remind me of my favorite caller.

The kiddo who called me to talk about heroes called me again the night afterwards about a new movie. He did not mention anything hero-related again. I try not to think too much about it.

As I walk to the viewing area, a familiar voice reaches my ears. "Don't panic. You got this. Just climb the robot and scan it for weakness. What could there be to be worried about? Nothing. Nothing at all. You got this." Aizawa was watching the green-haired kid from earlier and

I look at Aizawa who watches the boy smugly for a few more seconds before laying his claim. "I want that one in my class." Nezu's eyes widen. So much for being all-knowing.

"I do not care if he does not get enough points. Name him gen-ed and then put him in my class if you must. That kid has more smarts than anyone I know in heroics with the possible exception of Nezu. He helped me with a case once." Wait. Even I did not know that.

"Well. It seems as if it will not be an issue," Nezu states, pointing toward the screen, "He seems to be getting plenty of points on his own." True to his word, the kiddo took down robots left to right and then started running toward the zero pointer to help a girl.

"Hey. Are you Midoriya Izuku?" I ask like I need clarification as I sit in a seat next to the bed Recovery Girl has him in so she can check on him in a few minutes.

"Yep." He seems to talk loud enough so a regular person could barely hear him.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Little Listener. You did some pretty good things out there. I cannot wait to see you here. Too bad you will have to wait to see if you make it into heroics." I wink at the end, knowing giving away too much information can lead to trouble.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن