75AZ (What Does Your Local Underground Hero Do?)

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Credit to the artist(s)! (Sorry, I have no clue who the artist(s) is/are. Also, the art has nothing to do with the story but I love it anyway.)

Sonzuku POV

"I was not aware I would have to give a speech. Yes, yes. I know the student with the highest score on the entrance exam typically gives the speech for first years, but I am quirkless." Murmurs break out among the crowd and students. Fear rises in me but I ignore it. "I prepared a mini-speech anyway to complain about the top two heroes and the third's upbringing." I pause for effect before continuing. "I was a quirkless kid who had already beaten the statistics, a mix of living this long, not attempting suicide, and surviving and villain attack. The villain I am referring to is the slime villain that was in the news a while back. When I came across him, I was by myself and All Might saved me. He hurt me in the process, mentally and physically. Because I was trapped in the villain's slime, I was injured by All Might's quirk. I was a scared kid. He did not call anyone for me to get help or even medical attention. I grabbed onto his leg as he jumped away. He told me to let go, realized I would die afterward, and then left me on a roof. By myself. He left someone he knew was quirkless on a roof, by themself, after telling them they cannot be a hero. I have some national secrets, so I refuse to go any further with him. The number two hero may as well be a flaming pile of garbage. He injuries civilians, needlessly hurts and even kills criminals for things such as petty theft. He has a history of negative relations with his family and seems to be abusive, at the very least mentally. Due to keeping more secrets, I will not go any further with the human trash at this time. Now, for pro hero Hawks. Hawks is a good hero. He is caring and kind. The issue lies not with him but with the hero commission. Only one major secret can be revealed at once so this is what I chose. The hero commission took Hawks from his family at a young age, took his individualism, abused him, forced him to train, and they do this to many different children with powerful quirks. If I had to choose one hero to be at the top that wanted to be at the top, Hawks would make for an excellent choice. The only issue is the hero commission would get praised for a horrible thing they did. I would not blame Hawks if he wants to retire from heroics, honestly. He technically has been doing it for almost two decades, after all. Thank you for your time today and let us have a plus ultra sports festival before the commission tries to do something against me while everyone else pretends it did not happen." I begin to walk away before remembering one more thing. "Oh. Just so you all know. The only reason I did not jump is because my local underground hero stopped me, decided he saw my potential, and trained me. What does your local underground hero do?" I walk away with a bow, not paying attention to anyone's reactions.

Who knows if they will even believe half of the stuff I said? Not me, that is for sure. I should probably start preparing to go against my classmates.

I am knocked out of these thoughts by a hug Aizawa-sensei gives me. He gives me an evil grin and tells me to "kick their butts". Oh, what a glorious day it has turned out to be.

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