81BF (Partner)

374 15 2

No art today, sorry. <3

"Izuku!" Aizawa called his son.

Midoriya entered the living room to see his dad sitting there, looking like he was ready to deal out death. Aizawa held his phone, Midoriya having lent the phone to him, was very confused.

"Who is this?" Aizawa held up the phone to show texts to a "person" under the name of Box. The messages flowed with loving words.

"Oh! Box! Yeah! Box is so cute! I love Box so much!" Aizawa glared. It only got worse as Izuku talked more and more.

"Who is Box?" Aizawa asked, stressing each word. Izuku's look of confusion turned to amusement. He couldn't stop himself from laughing. Aizawa seemed to get more irritated.

"Are you going to give the shovel talk to Box?"

"Absolutely." Midoriya laughed harder.

"I hope you do." Midoriya had to wait a minute before he could catch his breath enough to speak again. "Box is a quirked cat I ran into who stole a phone from someone. Box usually types out those kinds of sentences to learn English better. I send back more 'correct' versions of the sentences. The first picture in my photos app is Box taking a selfie if you don't believe me. The one before it is me taking a picture of Box."

"Oh." Midoriya is sent back into a rage of laughter.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora