30P (Daycare)

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Credit to the artist!

Dadzawa POV

I don't know why I accepted this job if I am being honest. It probably has something to do with the person running the place. They are scary. Oh well, the job pays decently.

Third (Person) POV

The daycare children love the daycare. Their parents are all very busy people. A few of the kids knew each other before the daycare. They all develop their characters, and sometimes other characters, that they act out in a world of powers, villains, and heroes. The characters reflect the children to some extent, but not perfectly. Aizawa is known for loving the kids, even if the kids can't always see it directly. This leads to his character subtly reflecting the care.

Some kids joined later in the year than others. Eri is the youngest and the latest one to join. Shinso came just before her. Hatsume, Todoroki, Toga, and Shigaraki are the ones who have been there the longest.

"Mister Aizawa! Will you play with us? Right now, we are fighting against Shigaraki and Toga and the rest of the LOV as they attack us in a place while on a field trip. You gotta protect us, Mister Aizawa!" goes a green-haired child. The man gets up from the floor, popping a few bones on the way.

"Sure." The man joined and 'protected' the children as they got 'teleported', their way of playing while separated into different groups. Aizawa plays with some until they are all back again. Then, he gains a 'really, really bad injury' that practically kicks him out of the game just before the kids ask his coworkers to join.

Aizawa watches throughout the year as the story gets more intricate and new characters are 'added' and 'removed'. Some characters had to be made up so the kids could switch sides or to a different character depending on their mood. Some characters are just imaginary so there are more paths to go on. He finds Nezu's, his employer's, character to be funny. They made him a creature with a power. In other words, they see him differently from other humans. Nedzu takes the whole thing in stride, though, and plays with them when he has the time. It is certainly helping his ego.

Aizawa waves goodbye to the kids for what will likely be the last time for most of them with a heavy heart. The whole staff is very emotional. Besides Eri and Kota, all of the kids are supposed to be moving into school.

Thank you all so much for reading! Have a lovely day! <3

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