26L (Dragon)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

I was heading to get flowers for Fathers' Day on my horse. I wanted both of my adoptive dads to get their favorite flowers from me. It was there I met Mina. She owns the flower shop I went to that day. I trained with a sword for many years and eventually gained magic. On my journeys to other towns, I came back to my hometown a few years ago to visit my family. That is within the time I met Mina. I asked her if she would like to join me in my travels where I am trying to learn all that I can about my magic. I know that it isn't ordinary.

Now, Mina is on my journey with me. I have grown much closer to her than I expected to, to be honest. I took both her and Tsuyu with me. They were neighbors and Tsuyu is cursed. They lived in my hometown. We eventually became close friends, leading us to call each other by our first names. Others have joined us along the way. We have all grown much closer and just grown our skills in general. I know we can do anything.

"We're almost to the clearing!" Ura calls out. We all act playfully with Iida scolding us to watch our surroundings to make sure there are no unexpected attacks.

We arrive at the clearing Ura mentioned and see Bakugou and Kirishima already there. I don't exactly know how their relationship works, but I am happy for them nevertheless. Ura and Tsuyu are in a relationship as well. They work especially great since both of them don't feel sexual attraction and feel uncomfortable with gestures that are too affectionate. Iida and Roki both don't want a relationship. Mina and I are the only ones here who would like a future relationship. It is great, but it also is painful.

Narrator: My lovely peeps, Midoriya has had a crush on Ashido for a very long time now. Of course, the feelings are mutual, for why would a story be written to be sad when the purpose is to be happy. Now, I am sure you all can figure out how this ends, but, like Romeo and Juliet, let's have fun just enjoying the process. Thank you for reading this intervention. It is now time for the two to get together now, shippers, be prepared.

Kirishima gets up and gets all happy when he sees us. He transforms out of his dragon form and into his human form and gives all of us hugs, making Bakugou jealous. Bakugou just stares though, trying to get better about letting Kirishima do what he wants with friends. The blonde boy turns away from me when I give him a thumbs up.

We get the picnic set up pretty quickly. Kirishima changes back into dragon form since he is more comfortable in it. We all sit around in a circle almost with Kirishima's head coming next to Bakugou and Iida. His body is curled around the rest of us with me at his tail next to Iida and Mina.

While we are eating, I feel myself being pushed and look up to see Kirishima doing his best dragon evil smirk. I jump when I feel a certain person to my left. "Hi," Mina says. I blush and move around Kirishima's tail back into my spot.

"Hi," I say once I am in the safe zone again. Luckily for me, Bakugou keeps Kirishima's attention for the rest of the meal. Next, we decide to play treehoppers. It is a game where one person goes after the others after counting for ten seconds. The hoppers climb a tree and hop from tree to tree, running away but never allowed to touch the ground.

The first round goes fine. Ura is the hunter. She gets Roki and Iida first. Then, she gets an angry pomeranian. I get caught next followed by Mina. Because Kirishima was the last one still in, you know, because it is hard to go after a literal dragon when it comes to speed without magic, he was our next hunter. This is done to keep the game as fair as possible. We don't want a person, or dragon, who can't catch anyone.

I yelp when Kirishima grabs me. I seem to be the first person caught. Darn, I was going as fast as I could. He wraps me in his tail and takes off. I am not even sure how he is holding me in his tail. We go past multiple people, making me confused. I blush a bit when I notice he is going straight towards a pink girl. He wraps her in his tail with me before either of us can get away. He keeps us there until he is done with his round. He sets us down afterward, seemingly satisfied. At least, we think he is until he pushes the two of us into a cave. I didn't even know this was here.

He sits down in front of the entrance, blocking our exit. We end up talking to each other during the hour. He only lets us out an hour later after we tell him we are now dating.

Who knew dragons were the best matchmakers?

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now