63AP (Tiredness)

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Credit to the artist! (Google says KuumiArt on DeviantArt)

Sonzuku POV

Sometimes, it just weighs down on you. Other days, I spend hours trying to get rid of it, hours trying to do something.

On the good days, Dad gives me a smile and hands me a pastry before school.

On the bad days, Dad frowns and holds me for as long as I want. I think he does it for himself as much as me. We both know how unlikely it is for me to be alive, even right now.

In class, Dad never calls on me or any of the others if it could negatively affect us. If too many of us are not feeling up to doing anything, he will play a movie about something fun and will connect it to the subject the next day, blaming it on laziness.

On the cold days, when everything hurts, Dad will give me gloves and stay at home with me. He keeps my hands and arms warm.

Dad makes sure I do not overwork myself. He makes sure I am okay. He loves and cares for me. He is what makes life okay, the person who makes life worth it.

Even without him, I would continue living, to make him proud and to honor his memory. He smiles as I say, "I would live for you."

A/n- I am sorry it is so short. I wanted it to be soft, and I figured this would be the best way to make it so! Thank you for reading! <3

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