83BD (Red Eyes, Blue Sky)

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No drawing today, sorry.

Dadzawa POV

"Dad?" A weak voice calls out. Looking up, I see that Izuku is lucid and awake for the first time since the attack. I beckon a nurse over and ask them for some water.

"Hey, Kid. I just want to let you know that you are on bed rest for the next two weeks at my house. Is that okay with you?"

"I'd rather not do bed rest at all, but I guess that is okay." I nod and look him over. His arms look bad. Really bad. When everyone is gone from the room, off to tell the others Izuku is awake for now, I bring up the attack again.

"Do not do that again. I appreciate the help, but my life was not in direct danger."

"I'm sorry." I shake my head once more.

"No. No, you're not. But that is okay for now. You and your classmates, you all did good. I am very proud, but if you pull a stunt like that again, I will give you house arrest and sit there with you the entire time." He actually pouts.

"But you are a busy person. You don't have time to watch me."

"First off, I always have time for necessary activities. Secondly, you are my kid. Third, it seems like you should just stay out of trouble, then. We wouldn't have this issue if you did. I know you don't look for it, but deities forbid you don't run after unnecessary danger." He laughs. It makes me smile.

"Now you, Monster Child of mine, are going to spend these two weeks on bed rest analyzing your classmates' quirks, reading books, drawing, and watching television. I do not want to see you do anything taxing."

"But then I will get behind. I already have to work out four hours a day minimum to keep up with my classmates. What am I going to do when I can't do that for two whole weeks?" I grin. He shivers.

"You don't need to worry about that, Problem Child. Just get some sleep."

We go on a walk in the morning. "I just thought of something kind of morbid. You remember the Doctor Suess books, right?" I show my agreement. "One shot, two shot, red eyes, blue skies. That is what these past two days remind me of."

"That is somewhat morbid, but it is always a good thing to share your thoughts. I think it would be much better if your little poem went 'one rest, two rest, red eyes, green'. It doesn't entirely match, but that is the point of creating something new." He smiles at me.

"I like yours better, Dad." I hide a grin and mess with his hair.

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