96BV (Cooking 101)

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Ironically enough, Midoriya is the only one in his class who meets the requirement for the cooking elective. The requirements are to be able to cook and not have a lot of experience, professional or otherwise.

Midoriya can cook fantastically, which his classmates can attest to, but, due to his busy schedule, he cannot always make the food a lot of the time. When Midoriya's mom confirms with Aizawa that Midoriya has only ever cooked with her prior to the dorms, it officially makes him the only member of his class to qualify for the cooking class.

Surprisingly, Midoriya ends up being the only person in his grade to sign up for the class to meet the requirements. Even more surprisingly, Aizawa ends up being the teacher for said cooking class.

The first time Aizawa instructs Midoriya to make something, it ends in failure. Flour is everywhere, and the pizza is both over and undercooked. The situation causes Midoriya to laugh wildly. He glances up to see his teacher with a slight smile, so he makes it his mission to make his teacher laugh.

They go through the lesson again. Midoriya gets it right this time. Aizawa is somewhat impressed because it usually takes students five or so tries to be able to make the pizza.

The next lesson is over homemade soba, which Midoriya has made before. Due to this, Midoriya immediately gets it right and spends the rest of the period shaping it like Aizawa's capture scarf. With a little bit of natural food coloring, it turns out perfect.

In the next lesson, Aizawa takes Midoriya to a restaurant to get some real-world experience. He is able to be both a waiter and a cook. The patrons love having him as a waiter, and, after he got the recipes down, they love his food as well. He manages to personalize it for the time being since he does not actually work there. The food turns out in pretty shapes that even some of the cooks try to copy. It leaves him with a non-hero internship opportunity if he desires it.

When Aizawa sees him for the first time since they got there, he chuckles. Midoriya sheepishly grins in response. To be fair, he is covered in flour again, which is a feat in itself since none of the dishes he made had flour in them.

"Aizawa-sensei? What is your favorite food?" Midoriya asks one day out of genuine curiosity.

"I like jelly packets." Midoriya laughs at the answer. Once he calms down, he decides he wants a further explanation.

"What made you like jelly packets so much?"

"They are logical for me. They are easy to eat, and they provide a lot of nutritional value."

"That makes sense. Shouldn't you still eat something more solid?" Aizawa shrugs.

"I do eat more than just this." Midoriya nods, understanding that logic even if he does not agree with it.

Midoriya learns how to make jelly replicating those in the packets. He also learns how to make food replicating the jelly. He switches Aizawa's jelly packets in his classroom out for the ones he made. They all have little decorations on them, which would give him away if he wasn't sure Aizawa would already know it was him.

When Aizawa gets to class that morning, he gets through the beginning and then gives the class the period to study. He grabs a jelly packet, looks at it, looks at Midoriya, and then eats it. His face displays his content surprise at the taste. Midoriya beams.

They are in the middle of a heroics lesson when Midoriya sees Aizawa walk in. He immediately turns to watch Aizawa since he is just stretching at the moment.

Aizawa asks All Might something, and the man turns and points at Midoriya. Midoriya begins running as soon as he sees Aizawa holding up a "jelly packet" that shows a clear bite mark on it. The class confusedly looks around, trying to figure out what made their classmate begin sprinting out of the building like that. They only see a blur of their homeroom teacher chasing Midoriya.

"Come back here, Problem Child!" It takes a lot of self-control for Midoriya to not start laughing right then and there. He knows it will only be a bit before Aizawa catches him, though. He does not want to speed up the process.

Aizawa captures him with his capture weapon near the barrier around the woods of UA. He starts cackling uncontrollably.

"This is unfair. I thought it was another jelly packet, which tasted unnecessarily good, by the way, but I couldn't eat it like I normally do so I figured out it was not normal, so I bit it. And it still tasted really good for no reason! How dare you deceive me like this!"

Midoriya cannot respond due to his sniggering at the situation. Aizawa actually pouts before joining Midoriya in his laughter, which only makes Midoriya laugh harder.

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