85BI (Park Meeting)

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I lay my head down on my desk, knowing I will not be making it through my school work right now. It is a good thing I do online school. The teachers tell me I am ahead. This, along with talks with my counselor, has allowed me to take as many mental health breaks as I need. It is nice, and it is why I am leaving the house now.

I head to a nearby park. There are no sad and empty swings, but there are trees and flowers, as well as benches to sit at. I find the park comforting. People walking by and solving issues. People walking by and creating issues. I get to watch people's lives in peace. It is through this peace I notice red eyes watching me from a tree. I feel my face heat.

"Hello," I call out to them, not wanting to make myself seem incriminating.

"Hi, Kid." The man seems to be tired, but he stretches and gets out of the tree anyway like I would imagine a cat doing. All of his movements seem graceful, supporting that idea even more. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"Yeah, probably," I admit, "I do online school though, and I am ahead, and I was not feeling up to a lot mentally today, so I came to the park." The guy, Eraserhead, my mind finally supplies, straightens up and nods.

"That seems logical. There is no point in making children do work when they are not feeling up to it, only for those feelings to get amplified as time passes. I am sure the rat would love to find out how your online school got approved by the state*."

"Thank you?" Telegraphing my movements, I grab my notebook. "Can you sign here please?" I open the notebook to Eraserhead's page. His eyes immediately sharpen. I shrink away.

"Who are you? How do you know this?" Instead of a verbal answer, I point to the scarf he has on him. Then, I point at the depiction of his scarf I have in my notebook.

"A fan, then? That shouldn't be possible. I am underground. You should not even know of me, much less be able to recognize me with a third of my costume on." I gesture at him to look at the other pages of the notebook, to understand it is not just him I am a fan of.

"Wow, Kid. This is good. Nedzu would love you." My heart does not swell at that last part. Nope. "You got a name, Kid?"

"Midoriya. Midoriya Izuku." Eraserhead shows his approval at the answer, looking at the front of the notebook. Then, he finally takes a pen and signs it. I make a high-pitched noise that startles the man, but I cannot bring myself to care. I just got Eraserhead's signature!

"Oh my All Might. I cannot believe this. This has to be the best day of my life. I met Eraserhead on a break from the best school ever, and he actually signed my notebook! He also said Nedzu would love me! Oh my All Might. He is such an amazing hero; I cannot believe he has gifted me with this. I should tell him how grateful I am. But what if he is already annoyed with me? Nah, he is Eraserhead, how could he be? Then again, how could he not be? His afternoon was interrupted by some middle schooler." A hand lands on my shoulder, ending my mumbling.

"Kid, breathe. I promise you are not annoying me." He pauses for a minute. "Are you allergic to cats, and would they calm you down?"

*A/N- Okay. I know state is usually a word you think of when you think of the 50 states of the United States, but that definition is not the only one. A state, according to Oxford Languages, is "a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government".

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