25K (Summoned)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

Where the frick am I? I look around and sigh. This is not my flower shop/cafe. Come on people. You could have waited a few days. This one better take less time than the last one. I mean, it only took me one day to solve everything and send myself back home.

I look around and sigh. How did I get summoned by my own world? I have to hack, write, and run two stores to make enough money specifically because I don't have powers in this world.

I am in a government building, surrounded by pros. A lot of them I recognize from their attendance at UA. I smile when I meet a spiky blonde's gaze. "So Kacchan, what in the world is the issue the group of you needed to summon a person for? Like, come on, the people others summon have lives that they might enjoy."

"You aren't supposed to be here! Why did we summon you?" He continues to rant, but I ignore it, deciding I won't get any answers from him. He could have at least talked to me instead of just stalking me to make sure I am alive. It was really funny watching him panic when I returned from the other world, though.

"Soooo, Hero Shoto, you are usually apathetic, despite your and Kirishima's relationship with Kacchan. Can you explain to me why you were trying to summon someone?"

"We were supposed to receive a person with powers from another world to help us defeat All For One. He is murdering 50% of the people he comes across, excluding those he is working with but including other villains. Because we are not able to stop him, the government decided to summon a person. I apologize for the inconvenience." I shake my head and sigh. They are supposed to be the best but they need someone to take down their enemy for them. How rude. I hope I was at least given what I need to fix this mess. I look around and see only a laptop. Luckily for me, it is mine and there are outlets so it won't die. Screw whatever they could offer me. I am good, thanks.

An older hero gets called in while I sit near my laptop. I only pay attention when they enter the room. "Dadzawa!" My father figure looks at me, figures out what happened, and groans.

"You got summoned to fix this mess? These people need to figure their lives out. It is their job and you already run four. You don't need another." I shake my head.

"It's cool. Technically, it matches up with one of my jobs anyway. As long as I get to go home by tomorrow morning, I don't care. Today is the one day of the week my shops are closed anyway." Dadzawa shakes his head at me.

"Take care of him, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima. Make sure he stays safe and sleeps tonight. I expect to see you at my house tomorrow night for dinner, Sonzuku." He leaves after he finishes talking. The government is nowhere to be seen, for some reason, so I wave the rest of the people out.

"You all can leave now," I say to the three that remain. Kirishima shakes his head.

"It wouldn't be manly to leave you now. And, I would never go against Aizawa-sensei's words. He is still really scary." I sigh, deciding not to waste energy getting rid of them. I open my laptop and plug it into the outlet there while laying on the floor.

It takes me a few hours before I stand up and attempt to leave. "Where are you going, Nerd? You need to stay in here until we can sort this out."

"Can one of you please get me lunch then? Thanks." I say, not bothering to look up when I hear someone leave the room.

"What are you working on?" Shoto asks me. It's kind of weird to call him by his first name, but it is his hero name so...

"I'm locating someone," is my very descriptive answer. He doesn't seem to care and continues to ask me questions anyway. I answer them until the person gets back in contact with me, telling me they need thirty seconds. I send back confirmation, grab my laptop, and stand up again.

"Oh, before I go, I know Kacchan and Kirishima are trying to help you with your fire side. I feel like I need to say that to you again. It is YOUR fire side. I have no quirk. Does that mean it IS my mom's or my father's? No, no it does not." I give a bow at the end of my little speech. Shoto catches the beginning a little too late. I am already hopping into a portal that just appeared in front of me. I feel a little bit of guilt when I hear Shoto and Kacchan panic. To be fair, I wasn't even sure Shoto was capable of panicking for anyone that isn't one of his boyfriends. Oh well.

I land in the arms of my odd-faced long-time chess partner. "Lovely meeting you here." We leave the vicinity quickly.

"Why did you need me to get you away?" I am asked.

"They want me to capture you. You know, you should have seen this coming. You know I have been summoned before and that the government is desperate. You are killing a lot of people. I can only stand so much, you know. Even if the people you are killing aren't the greatest." I look into the eyes of the man, a person I consider a friend.

"Let's play a game," states my friend, "If I win, you join my side. You won't have to work so much anymore and you can be safe from the others. If you win, you can take me to prison with a few conditions from my end." I shrug.

"Good enough for me."

After four hours of playing chess, we get our answer. One of us gets a checkmate. We go to lunch afterward. After all, this is the last lunch out of prison one of us will be getting for a while. I contact people from the government as soon as we finish, arranging it so All For One will get all of his conditions met.


Izuku Midoriya visits at least twice a week.A computer to keep in contact with Izuku MidoriyaIzuku Midoriya stays safeI get a trial for the time left for me after five years. No quirk suppressants

If all of these conditions continue to be met, I promise to not kill.

Why did he have to include me in his conditions? He knows I always end up in dangerous situations. Whatever. I'm glad he gets his conditions and that he promised to not kill again. If my safety is what it takes, then so be it.

The government marks me as an honorary hero, gives me large sums of yen to take care of myself, and assigns three pro heroes to me. They eventually become my boyfriends. Such an odd story. And a boring one. Why does my life have to be so predictable?

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