23J (Class Time)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

I can't believe I got in without wings or a quirk. That is an achievement for all quirkless and wingless people. Kacchan is going to pitch a fit about this. I'm so happy. My writing scores were in the top five percent out of my grade too. This is funny to me, considering I got top five percent out of my grade in the practical portion of the exam as well.

The night we got the results, I took my mom to dinner with money saved from my part-time jobs. I have two. I enjoy both, so I plan on keeping both. It also helps my mom since she knows I have money for myself. To be honest, I am kind of surprised the two places hired me. It's not that the people are bad, not even a little bit. It is the fact that they both exclude the discrimination of most people. I work with Sir Nighteye's hero agency as an analyst of fights, money, and people. My other job is for a construction company. I direct people around, you know, since I am not exactly old enough to be doing any dangerous work according to company policy. Because of the place it is, however, they sometimes allow me to do tasks by myself, during which time I use my quirk and wings. I work there Wednesdays and Thursdays and work at the Nighteye agency on Monday and Tuesdays. I am glad to have found the jobs. They give me something to do and I only work twenty hours a week for four days. It's nice and I am happy about the hours.

I head into UA after arranging all of my hours to be from 5-10 on the days I work. That gives me time to do any homework that needs to be done immediately and have some time to myself while getting decent sleep. I wake up at seven every day meaning I should get at least seven hours of sleep if I go to bed at twelve. Even more, if I go to sleep a bit sooner.

I almost die of laughter when I see the seating chart and Mister Aizawa on the ground. I am behind Kacchan but in front of Shinso. I am glad he was able to get in even without his quirk being very helpful against the robots. I've already decided to not show my quirk or wings just in case the element of surprise becomes useful at some point.

Within the first thirty minutes of class, Kacchan goes "Sir, Deku is bothering me. Can you remove him from the school already?" I can't contain the giggles and slight fear that come along with that. I should be more concerned, but I know that UA does its best to not be discriminatory, especially in the hero course. I also know that someone who fights in an almost quirkless style who understands wings aren't as useful in fights as they are said to be won't listen to a kid without reason.

"You know what, this will make a good lesson about discrimination. Who in here has ever felt discriminated against for something against their control specifically?"

Dadzawa POV

Problem Child and the entitled brat. They're going to make a fun year. As long as I can help Problem Child, though, I think I will be okay with that.

Problem Child and Shinso raise their hands. Slowly, the majority of the class is raising their hands. Spiky Child is the only one who doesn't, sitting there looking smug as if it is something to be proud about.

"Okay, that's a start." Spiky Child is being sent to therapy if he is going to stay in UA at all. I am not even sure if I am willing to keep him in my class. I don't need a bully in my class, much less a person who will go out of their way to harm others they perceive to be beneath them. As if sensing my thought process, Problem Child points at Spiky Child and gives a thumbs up. "Now, Ashido, tell us about your discrimination."

"People have said I look like an alien and that I don't belong. Now and then, it gets really bad in my head and I feel miserable. Sometimes people refuse to sell to me or let me near places." I take it back, not only is Spiky Child getting therapy, so is everyone else in this class.

"Shouji," I say, deciding against calling out Kouda for now since he seems so shy, "Do you mind?"

"No, sir. Mine was also because of my appearance. People would make fun of me. Like Mina, some people won't allow me places."

"Those were examples of quirk discrimination. Let's try other types of discrimination. Kaminari, are you okay explaining?" The boy stands up like the others with some encouragement from Kirishima.

"Yes, I'll explain. People would make fun of me for being dumb. I eventually went to the doctor and found out I have dyslexia and ADHD. People still made fun of me for being dumb, but no one has stopped me from going places." I nod.

"There is an example of people just being rude because someone isn't as good as them in their eyes. Shinso, I know you have faced quirk discrimination, do you mind even though we already went past?" The boy shakes his head and stands up. Problem Child sends him reassuring smiles.

"Because my quirk is brainwashing, many people would call me a villain and make fun of me. Other people would avoid me and people would sometimes beat me up, making themselves and others believe they were doing something good. They were not." The kid seems to fall asleep when he sits down.

"Now, the worst type of discrimination. As long as the person is willing. Midoriya, will you please stand up?" The boy does as I ask and takes a second to just breathe before starting.

"My family, both sides, would usually get their quirks before the age of two. When I had no signs of wings or a quirk, my father left. My mom was barely able to get a divorce after he left us. She managed after he was gone for two years with no signs of return. The doctors diagnosed me as quirkless and wingless when I was four. My friend, at the time, began to bully me, even until now. They are in this class. I hope they will stop now. I got suicide baited by that 'old friend' and their friends. They would beat me and abuse me verbally, leave notes everywhere, leave spider lilies, and the teachers did nothing. I can name on one hand the number of places in my hometown that will let me shop there. At most, my mom can go to maybe fifteen places total without people kicking her out because of me. Even at the entrance exam, the robots were all in the sky even though most fighting in real life occurs on the ground due to a loss of energy after fighting in the air for so long. I had to force my way up there and risked my safety. Then, I had to find a way to get back down. I, like everyone else, did not know of the support points, meaning I had to find a way up to get into UA." After his explanation, many of his classmates look horrified. Even Spiky Child seems slightly concerned.

"This is why you should all stick up for one another. Midoriya is a child like the rest of you and yet has seemed to live life with much worse experiences than most adults. Around 75% of quirkless people kill themselves before reaching the age of 21. Around 60% of wingless people do the same. Around 90% of people that fall into both of those categories kill themselves before the age of 20. That is around 17% of Japan's total population. Then, people are more likely to hurt them and, eventually, kill them, leaving around 20% of people from all three categories alive by the time they reach 30." Problem Child frowns at the statistics but seems semi-glad that someone else knows them.

We need to build a better world for our children.

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