97BW (Extra-A Cat Named Flour)

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Midoriya and Aizawa find a cat in an alley as they are returning to UA after another day of leaving UA just to be faced with villains. Luckily, neither Midoriya nor Aizawa got hurt this time around.

The cat is covered in flour. They both agree to take it to the vet since it is a weekend, and it is not too early or late in the day.

Upon arrival, the once calm cat begins to wiggle and scratch at Aizawa, leading to Midoriya taking the cat. The cat immediately calms down when he does so, causing Aizawa to make betrayed face, except in the dramatic way so Midoriya knows it did not actually hurt his feelings that much.

They take the cat to UA, where Midoriya sadly hands Aizawa the cat. "My dorm is not big enough for Flour and I don't want him to be overwhelmed by my classmates, so I need you to take care of him for me. I know you already have Tequila. I feel like she would get along well with Flour and there is no chance of them having 'Little Monsters'". Aizawa nods.

"That is logical. Very well, I will take care of him. You are on pet-sitting duty when you are available, though. He will likely miss you, seeing as he apparently likes you more than me. Feel free to come over at decent times to say hi to the cats." They spilt up after their mini conversation with Midoriya bittersweetly heading to his dorms.

Midoriya does not visit the cats, either of them. He only goes to Aizawa's dorm when his teacher has been sick for two days and he gets worried about Flour, Tequila, and Aizawa.

"Aizawa-sensei?" Midoriya calls out to the dreary apartment. He ventures farther in when he does not get a response. "Is everything okay?"

When he gets to Aizawa's room, he sees Aizawa is asleep. Looking farther, Midoriya sees the cats still have food and water, so he cleans the litter box and plays with the cats. He attempts to leave, only for the kitties to swarm him.
He sighs and decides he may as well make soup for himself and Aizawa. If Aizawa is not awake when he finishes, he will just leave it in a heated container.

The soup he makes isn't too bad. It's not great, but it is sustainable and tastes okay. If Aizawa eats it, it should be easy for him to consume. The cats leave him alone when he gives them treats.

Aizawa comes back the next day, and Midoriya pretends as if he hadn't seen the man the day prior. The day passes normally. What Midoriya would not know for a long time is that Aizawa went around asking for who made him the food and took care of his cats that day, eventually just going to Nedzu the next morning.

Nedzu, of course, answers Aizawa's question with a price. Aizawa has to get the person who did it to go to Nedzu's office the next morning. Aizawa agrees, just wanting to have a clear answer. He does not like owing people things, and he now owes at least two people.

Aizawa, after being told Midoriya was the one to make him food and play with his cats for a bit, offers Midoriya the opportunity to train with him for two hours if Midoriya will go to Principal Nedzu's office the next morning. Midoriya goes along with it because he has always wanted to learn from Eraserhead due to his ability to fight with and without his quirk, something he had to learn for when he could not keep his eyes open.

Eagerly, Midoriya arrives at Nedzu's office at 7:00 AM, since he was not told a time to arrive. Nedzu thanks Midoriya for his continued support of everyone and everything and for helping so many students on campus. As a token of his gratitude, he gives Midoriya an offer. "I would like to see the latest of your notebooks, have a conversation with you once I am done with said notebooks, and have you take a test for me.The test and conversation would preferably take place during homeroom or English, but I know you will not miss anything in any of your classes except for heroic lessons. Of course, you retain the right to refuse this offer."

"How could I refuse such a wonderful offer? I am delighted to accept your offer. And thank you for being a smart hero on the field to show that more than just brute force is needed. You are very admirable! Have a great day!" Giddy, Midoriya makes his way to homeroom, very early and very excited for the future.

Who knew a cat named Flour could lead to many discoveries that may have not been otherwise found, new relationships, and an improved future?

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