68AU (Happy Holidays!)

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Thank you all so much for reading! I appreciate each and every one of you! I hope your holidays are/were great!

Part 1

Third Narrator POV

It is well-known that there are santas across the world. A person does not choose to be a santa. A person does not need to be Christian to receive a gift from a santa either. All someone needs to do to receive a gift is to put up some type of tree or anything else that shows their holiday spirit and wish to receive a gift. It is also known that in Japan, there is only one santa. This santa does not reveal their identity. This santa's name is Izuku Midoriya. He was chosen at eight years old when magic decided him mature enough. The boy is quirkless, which is unusual but not unheard of. Well, I suppose I mean he was quirkless. Of course, no one knows of his other activities, not even his mom.

Aizawa started to notice the startling behavior around the holiday time. He believed it to be because the boy was excited. He would never imagine the real reason Midoriya kept on leaving UA with permission was to check on the holiday progress.

Japan's santa is beloved. He visits anyone who seems to want or need a gift, even if they do not or cannot show it. He is said to be kind. The only reason they know he is a male is because it is the one question he answered from a questionnaire he was given. He put N/A on every other answer. People wonder what else he is willing to answer.

Midoriya requests a day off. It is the day before they get out for the holidays that he requests off. No one thinks twice of this because of his recent behavior. Well, I suppose one person does.

Aizawa follows Midoriya through the streets, believing his student is just going home for the holidays or finishing shopping. He is not entirely sure though, leading to him discreetly weaving his way through the crowd. Seriously, how much holiday shopping could a person need to do?

Aizawa is surprised when the boy enters a building Aizawa did not previously see. It has no windows, so he quickly follows behind Midoriya with the hopes the boy is still facing away when he enters.

"Mister Aizawa?" Yeah, I do not believe that plan went well either. To be fair, Midoriya does have magic.

"What is this place?" The mentioned place is bustling with people and full of energy. Things are moving too quickly for Aizawa to figure out what is happening. If I were not semi-omniscient, I am sure I would be the same way.

"Can you keep a secret? A really, really big secret? One that you cannot tell anyone about?" Aizawa slowly nods. I mean, how bad could it be, right? Just something you have to hide from the rest of the world and your government.

"I am Japan's santa. My mom does not know because she always has to work so much around the holidays. I have never wanted or needed to tell anyone else. Please do not tell anyone." Midoriya's eyes are pleading; how could anyone deny him of such a simple request?

"No." Oops, I jinxed it. Midoriya winces. "No one bad, I promise. And if you really do not want me to tell anyone, you need to let me know immediately after I am done speaking. The issue is I do not keep secrets from Mic when possible and I do not want to start now." That is kind of sweet, but it still must hurt a bit to Midoriya.

"Okay. Only him, though. Please."

"Thank you, Problem Child. I am good with that." Aizawa gestures around. "Want to lead me through here?"

Midoriya agrees and shows his sensei his workshop.

Part 2

Narrator POV

It is so sweet how Aizawa saw Midoirya's workshop. But what will happen if he notices Midoriya overworking himself in the days before he heads out to deliver presents?

Aizawa does a routine check-in with each of his students over any break to ensure their safety. He gets to Midoriya's house on the second and last day of doing this. He is not very shocked when he arrives and no one answers. It takes five minutes for Midoriya to open the door.

"Mister Aizawa? What are you doing here?"

"I am doing a standard check-in." Aizawa looks around. "Midoriya? Where is your mom?" This is a normal question when a child's guardian(s) cannot be seen.

"Oh. She is at work right now. It is very busy with all the preparations for the holidays. Do you mind if I use my tablet while we talk?"

"Sure, Problem Child. I would rather you not, but if there is something that needs to be done, I guess it is okay."

"So, how are you?" Midoriya asks as he taps away at the tablet. He attempts the conversation while working. For my sanity, I hope he puts the tablet down. Then again, it is not like sleep is a need or anything or that he has not gotten much in the last two nights. That would never be the truth.

"I am good. Is there a reason you appear as if you have not slept in days?"

"I mean, the holidays have been keeping me busy, but I promise I am getting sleep."

"Alright. I only believe that because you did not specify a time. I am calling your mom, and you are going to stay with me until she is free for at least 24 hours."


"Come on."

"What?" And so, Aizawa helped Midoriya with the holidays while caring for him. Who does not like a happy ending? Just kidding. I know a ton of people who do not. Time for my semi-omniscient self to go away. Peace out and happy holidays.

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