13C (Adoption Time)

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Credit to the artist!

Dadzawa POV

How do you tell a kid you want to adopt them? Especially when they might have a family. But then, that one person that is their legal family did agree to partial custody as long as the kid agrees. I hope he does. I think Eri and Shinsou would love to formally have him as their brother. I know Mic and I want him as our kid, our son. I can only hope he feels the same. I have to tell him at some point today. I hope it goes well. I'll try to tell him before class starts.

The child comes in late to class. I sigh as he comes in, I'm relieved he is okay and here. Shinsou sends me a knowing smile. I glare at my kid. He grins even wider as he sees my reaction. I just roll my eyes and start teaching. Like he wasn't worried about him as well. I shake my head, going through my normal motions of teaching. The first break comes pretty quickly.

I don't see the kid. I groan. Shinsou points to the door. I roll my eyes once more. What, did I think he jumped out the window? My purple son leaves the room, likely to find the child. They don't come back until the break is thirty seconds from being over. How am I supposed to ask him if he isn't there?

I go back to teaching, sighing as I see hopefully my child taking notes over everything I am saying. Actually, he might be taking notes on something entirely different. No one knows. I know he knows what I'm teaching, though, so I choose to ignore it. He looks up only for examples (how does he know), and to answer questions. Then, he leaves for lunch just as the bell rings. I can't even stop him. His classmates get in the way. Shinsou sticks his tongue out at my problem. The next time I see him, I'll be sure to drag him away.

That plan gets even more backed up when I hear the alarm. Are you kidding me, today? I grumble and quickly leave my classroom, knowing Problem Child may be in danger. Shinsou I taught self-preservation to. I gave him a hiding spot only I know of in case something like this happens. The bad part about this is that my students were on their way back from lunch, so my kids likely got separated.

I move faster when I see Problem Child. Problem Child surrounded by villains. One of which has him over his shoulder. His eyes widen as he sees me, making me act even faster. I see Shinsou out of the corner of my eye, knowing he wanted to make sure his brother is okay. I use my capture weapon and take Problem Child back. The villains turn around to find nothing. I grab my two children that are there and get us into the vents before they notice we're gone.

Shinsou pulls Problem Child to him, trying to protect him from any other threats, I realize. I have to work to keep the smile off of my face. I contact Nezu and tell him where the villains are once I deem us to be far enough away from them in the vents. I would be shocked the vents can fit humans, but I am the one who requested it. He sends help immediately.

As soon as it is safe to come out, I leave the vents, carefully going down. No one is around. Shinsou hands down Midoriya next. This makes me worry about his weight again. Seriously, why is this kid so light. Shinsou comes down after him.

I bring them to Recovery Girl, to make sure there aren't any injuries. She checks them over and leaves for a minute. Before I can stop myself, words come from me.

"I know now is probably not the best time, but how would you like to be adopted by me and Mic. Your mom and us will share custody's over you." I was not prepared to see the front hat I did on his face. It makes me smile back at him.

"Yes! Of course!" He jumps up and hugs me tightly. Shinsou laughs. Problem Son turns to Purple Son with a creepy grin and hugs him as well. Really tight. Purple Son groans. Now, I laugh.

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