98BX (Rumors)

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The other kids are always whispering about him, Midoriya, that is. He may as well be a cryptid with all of the rumors floating around.

"I heard he lives in a mansion."

"I heard he lives in a river."

"I heard he can see ghosts."

Midoriya, of course, finds all of these rumors fun, especially because he is just a previously quirkless teenager who can technically see some ghosts. They are way off about where he lives, though. Before the dorms, he would never sleep in the same place twice in a row. A lot of times, he would spend the night at a friend's house, and isn't that weird, having friends.

Midoriya got One For All during the incident with the sludge villain. All Might never gave it to him, but he was told by the ghosts that live in his head that he is the ninth successor of the quirk, whether or not All Might sees something in him. They are the ones to teach him to use minimal power so no one, not even All Might, knows he has it. They are the ones to slowly adjust him to their quirks. They are the ones who tell him he could have made it as a quirkless hero and that he can still pretend to be quirkless if he wants to follow that dream. They tell him that because can make it as a quirkless hero, like he is currently doing since he refuses to use the quirk around others at the moment, he is the perfect successor.

Happily, Midoriya forges his mom's signature when the dorms are implemented, having done it numerous times before. When Midoriya tells Aizawa he got his mom to sign the note before she left for a week-long business trip and he is staying with a family friend, Aizawa doesn't think much of it. When Midoriya's mom never shows up for the parent-teacher conference is when he starts to get concerned. When Midoriya never goes home after the dorms are implemented, he suggests Midoriya becomes a ward of UA until they can confirm Mrs. Midoriya is taking care of her son.

Midoriya, with the dorms in place, tells Aizawa about his quirk, his mom, and his lack of a home. Aizawa, upon hearing all of this, places Midoriya as a ward of UA and starts to take care of him more with the knowledge that no one else will. Aizawa hears the rumors. Midoriya never does anything about them, so Aizawa does not either. This does not stop him from punishing the

students spreading the rumors by giving them detentions for standing in the hall and for disrupting a learning environment.

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei. I won't be here tomorrow, by the way. I will not be in the dorms or otherwise at UA. I need to take care of some business."

"Are you in danger? Is there something I need to know about? I promise to work something out if you tell me what is going on." Midoriya sighs, but he smiles at the fact that someone cares.

"I am going to say bye to the quirkless group. I have a quirk now and do not want to deceive them into believing I do not. I will explain as much to them as I can without sounding like a lunatic. To be honest, there is not much anyone can do for me."

"Come to my apartment when you get back. Knock in this pattern," Aizawa demonstrates the pattern twice to make sure Midoriya understands it, "And I will let you into my apartment. Feel free to use that pattern if you ever need anything from me." Midoriya slowly nods, committing the pattern to memory.

The next day arrives, and Midoriya ends up at Aizawa's apartment at 18:37 crying with a smile on his face. When he knocks on the door like Aizawa taught him to, he is ushered inside.

Aizawa leads Midoriya to the couch and offers him some tea and a cat. When both of them are settled down, Midoriya begins explaining. "They said they were all really happy for me, even if they are jealous, and they told me I would always be welcome as long as I do not become like All Might."

"Why not become like All Might?"

"All Might is..." Midoriya pauses for a moment, thinking of the best way to phrase it, "Not the best when it comes to quirkless people. I asked him, once, if I could become a quirkless hero and he told me no, leaving me on a roof after I was a victim in a villain attack. So yeah, no All Might."

"He still thinks you are quirkless?" Aizawa prompts. Midoriya agrees. "Is he still that discriminatory toward you?"

Midoriya shrugs. "Kind of. He tries to leave me out of the lesson, but I always just do my own things because he has to let me train if he is going to let everyone else train. Principal Nedzu is on it, though. I am sure he will stop in a few days."

"I am sorry so much happened to you, kid. I need you to know you are not alone." Midoriya gives a small, sunshine filled grin. It might be the realest emotion Aizawa has seen him show.

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei."

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