22J (Wings! AU)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

I was told I did not have a quirk. I was told I did not have wings. The tests lied. Wings in this world are retractable. Quirks can be hidden. You must have both or else you are scorned.

I was born on July 15th. When I got home, my parents observed my back. There was nothing there. My father left when I was two, the age where most in my family get their quirks. My mom supported me in his absence. She filed a divorce after he didn't come back. The government accepted it. They are no longer married. The day after the request was accepted, I was walking on air. My mom was happy for me. I was four. I knew what happened with my father. After more tears, we talked. She agreed to me hiding my quirk from others until high school. I was young, but I already knew I did not want to be judged over something people have no control over. Kacchan became a bully after 'finding out' I had no quirk or wings. My wings showed up the day after he pushed me. I retract them to this day.

The wing hierarchy is as bad as the quirk one. Stronger, bigger wings mean you're someone important. Even though those wings would be best in regular industries, such as the police force. Yes, I am insulting you, All Might. Some of the best wings that weaken after a while of use, just like his quirk. That would be amazing for construction, where strong wings are helpful for tall projects and pretty much everything. Instead, he became a hero, as society foretold. Pretty and colorful wings mean you should work in normal industries. Even though they would be great for distractions in fights. I mean, I know that wings strength will help against villains, but, technically, just like quirks, anything is useful against a villain if used properly. Weaker, dull wings mean you should work in the jobs no one else wants. No wings means you are scum. You don't deserve a job and you certainly don't deserve life. Having a quirk puts you on the same level on weaker, dull wings. The jobs no one wants.

All Might later offers me his hair. I refuse. I am getting into UA on my terms, without the use of my quirk or wings. My wings are strong, but only because I forced them to be. Like your body, they get stronger with training. My body is also strong, so is my quirk. Training forces them to be. You know, practice makes all of us the literal definition of insanity. We expect different results from the same routine, and we can do it.

By show only, my quirk is telekinesis, like my mom's, except mine is naturally stronger than hers. Just like her, I can move molecules, and unlike her, I can move molecules in bigger things to make them move. Meaning I can technically manipulate anything made of molecules. How fun. My wings are black to green on one side and white to green on the other. They, like all other wings, leave a tattoo when retracted showing the wings almost. If I ever swim, I wear a swim shirt. If I am in another situation where they might be seen, I paint over it and do my best to keep it covered with the top I am inevitably wearing. I don't do anything without at least three extras and, usually, paint.

Ua's entrance exam is going to be fun when they see a kid with no registered quirk or wings.

Dadzawa POV

yAy! ThE daY of THe enTraNce exAm. These kids better be worth my time, unlike last year. I arrive at my spot. I see a kid with green hair standing to the side, away from the other people who are talking. He seems to be avoiding a blonde kid with spiky hair. I'll have to watch this.

The kid has no wings, and, it seems, no quirk either. At least that he is showing. He seems to be analyzing the robots after the start. They are all in the air, seeing as it is where more people think villains will fight from. That definitely is not true. It takes too much energy for heavier wings to stay up for so long, so even most heroes fight on the ground.

The boy shrugs and walks around helping people for a bit, gaining a surprisingly large amount of support points. Does he not care that he is getting no points as far as he knows, or does he know? How odd.

Nezu grins cheekily at me when I look over. He already has the green hair's file pulled up.

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Parents: ---- and Inko Midoriya

Notes: Inko divorced ---- after he left and never came back after two years. Inko has not reported his return.

Quirk: N/A (From doctors' tests)

Wings: N/A (From doctors' tests)

School reports: Bad student- disruptive, slow, and problem-makers

He reported being bullied by Katsuki Bakugou, which was shut down by the school's administration.

No one checked to see if the administration even looked into it. How is his record even that short?

"Interesting isn't it. And he seems like he is going to pass by support points alone." Nezu's smile only gets worse as his statements continue. A drone gets close to Midoriya and a Shinso talking.

"You have wings, but your quirk isn't fit for this situation, correct?" Midoriya asks Shinso.

"Yes, but you don't even have wings. Why are you here?" Midoriya ignores the question.

"Help as many people as you can that end up on the ground hurt, please. This situation isn't going to work for anyone if everyone ends up hurt. Please use your quirk if someone goes after something you don't think they can handle. I know this sucks, but you can trust me. If you can do that for me for a little bit, I can teach you what I am about to do." Midoriya doesn't wait for a response before jumping on the drone and onto a robot.

The boy moves around the robot and gets another robot's attention. He jumps off the one he was on at the last second, taking down two robots. He does this a few more times until he is left with only one. He jumps off of it when it gets close enough to the ground, picks up a few pieces of already destroyed robots, and hops onto one when one gets low enough again. Shinso isn't even able to ask him about it. He had to finish helping a girl. After taking down five more after using wires from the others, he stops. He jumps down from the one he is on and jumps onto another drone trying to film the kids.

A new drone gets close when Shinso and Midoriya are talking again. "I can do that?" Midoriya nods to answer Shinso.

"You just have to focus two on each other when you can. For the wires-" He winks at the camera of the drone and starts whispering.

"How very rude of the boy. I would also like to know how he was doing that. Nothing we could get of him showed his tricks. Hopefully, his friend will reveal them." The friend, in fact, does not reveal the tricks. He can just set two robots against each other the whole time. It's too bad the robots self-heal, we might've been able to see the trick.

Both boys end up in my class.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant