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The guys were now in Namjoon's studio after they finished their schedules, Y/N was removing Jungkook's make up. 'I am sorry for earlier.' Jungkook whisper as Y/N nodded and smiled a little. Then suddenly Hoseok said, 'You know what guys? Jungkookie got Namjoon's habit. He was so clumsy today that he tripped and also hurt his leg.' The guys laughed as Jungkook pouted before saying, 'Hyung, I tripped on the carpet beside the counter on 9th floor! I wasn't clumsy. Anyone could trip though!'

While the guys were making fun of Jungkook, Y/N walked out of the room after finishing her task as she was shocked. 'What happened Y/N?' Sana asked. 'O-onnie-' 'Oh! I forgot you tripped while running with Jimin! Can you walk?' Y/N nodded as Sana bend down and folded up Y/N's pants to see her injury. 'Oh god! It's bruised! How did you tripped that made this big bruise?!'

'I-I don't know onnie.' 'It's okay, let's go and I will put some ointment on your bruise.' They both started to walk away to the staff room.


'Hyung.... Are you thinking what I am thinking?' 'I don't know about you but I am surprised now and now I am thinking something is off.' The both male then walked to the canteen to bring some juice while thinking about the earlier incident...


'The members and their parents will be having a dinner today in the evening and after that we have to go to take lessons of the camera since we aren't well trained.' Jaemin oppa said who was Namjoon oppa's camera man. I nodded as we walked to the canteen. I was limping a little but was fine either way.

'Oh, Y/N?' 'Yes?' 'Can you give this to Jin? I have to go to Beom Gyu since he is struggling with his costumes and the boys have a performance now.' I nodded as I took the doll in my hand and started to walk towards the room where the boys and their parents were. Jaemin oppa wanted to accompany but I told him not to bother.

I knocked as I heard Hoseok oppa's voice, 'Who is it?' 'Oppa! It's me!' 'Oh! Come in!' I opened the door and saw there were only Hoseok oppa and a lady sitting on the sofa. They weren't sitting on the dining table. I could hear laughs coming from the rooms beside me. 'Do you need anything Y/N-ie?'

'Oppa, I have to give this doll to Jin oppa.' 'Oh! He forgot his RJ on Namjoon's studio? Go to that room. He is over there talking with his parents. Oh meet her she is my sister, Ji-woo noona and noona, she is Y/N, Jungkook's make up artist.' 'Hello onnie, I am Y/N.' I said as I bowed. 'You are so cute! You look a lot like Jungkook though.' 'Yeah we also thought that when we first saw her.' Hoseok oppa said.

We talked a little as I walked to the room Hoseok oppa mentioned and knocked. 'Who?' I saw a woman around my mom's age. She was so beautiful! 'I-I..uhh Is Jin oppa here?' 'Yes sweetie, come inside.' 'Jin! Someone came to see you!'

I walked inside as I saw Jungkook, Jimin oppa, Jin oppa and some middle aged woman and man who I assumed as their parents. 'Who is it mom-' Jin oppa said making me understand that the woman was Jin oppa's mother.

'Oppa, it's me.' I said walking towards them. 'Oh, Y/N-ah! Isn't it my RJ-' 'Y/N?' A middle aged woman said as I looked at her who was sitting between Jungkook and Jin oppa. 'Hello, I am Y/N. Jungkook's make up artist.' I bowed as she said, 'Your name is Y/N?' 'Yes, Lee Y/N.' I was confused at how she was looking. 

Pale, shocked, disappointed and hurt? 'Omma? What happened? Do you know her?' Jungkook said. So she is his mom. She looks a little bit like me, wait she is older that means I am a little bit like her. 'N-nothing, just I remembered someone else named Y/N.' 'But who omma? I never heard anyone named Y/N-' 'Jungkook, you don't have to know. I know whom omma is referring. You don't know her so don't talk back.'

Jung-hyun oppa... I know him. One of our make up artist has shown me his photo. He also looks like Jungkook. Why it is so confusing? I shrugged it off and handed Jin oppa's RJ plushie to him and said, 'Oppa I came to give you this back and now have to go since after dinner, we have training of RUN BTS.' 'Oh! Then go and eat fast! Sorry you have to come here for me.' 'It's okay,' I smiled and bowed to the elders before leaving.


'I am not Korean.' One of our camera man said. 'Then where are you from?' 'I am from Japan, he is from Malaysia and she is from India.' (I am not a citizen of the countries among these. So don't comment about saying I am Malaysian or Japanese or Indian._.)

'Then how do you know each other?' I asked. 'We know each other from online. We all are orphans, that's why we came here to stay together and have decent jobs. And as we all are K pop fans, so we thought to meet in Korea.' 'Oh!' I said as we said goodbyes and parted our ways since I lived in the other direction.

'Onnie!' Ara screamed cheerfully as she came towards me. I hugged her and said, 'Don't run Ara, you know that you just had operation a few years ago and the doctor said that you can't run like this for more than 5 or 6 years?' 'But it's already been 3 years though~' 'Yet, it's for your own good.' 'Okay... Oh! Onnie you know what? I have to go to the hospital for regular check up tomorrow! You will come as always right?'

I sighed, 'I am sorry, I have work and I can't even postponed it. Mom, are you leaving tomorrow?' 'Yes, Ara has to go tomorrow since her school is off tomorrow. We will leave in the morning and will come back the day after tomorrow since we have to do some tests on her and it will take a day for the test results to come.' I nodded.

'You will be fine alone right?' 'Yes dad. I am a big girl now.' I said smiling. 'You are not a big girl! You are a little girl still!' My mom said. I laughed as we started to eat. I hope the nurse is doing fine. The last time I saw her was when I found out the truth.... The biggest truth of my life....



T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now